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Note this is the first post to feature Brookside.
"Rare as hen's teeth (possibly even rarer than that) is a near-mint EMS TKS sequencer from the 70's in its original beautiful afromosia case. This was the standalone keyboard/sequencer for the EMS Synthi and VCS3 MKII synthesizers and will get you that Pink Floyd "On the Run" sequencing sound. Even better, this one has been modified with a jack for an extremely rare Brookside Electronics trigger interface. This interface allows you to send a trigger source into the sequencer so you can sync your sequencers to MIDI or DAW. Quite a powerful add-on, and impossible to find!
I bought this during COVID from an acquaintance in the UK (he sold it to me in working condition - he was also selling his VCS3 MKII at the time, which I could not afford) in the hopes that I'd eventually acquire a VCS3 MKII to power it.
Since I was never able to test this out, this unit, and the accompanying Brookside sync box, are being sold in excellent physical condition, but untested, possibly non-functioning condition. I cannot guarantee that it functions, so please keep that in mind when bidding.
Comes with connection cable for a VCS3 MKII and the Brookside Electronics sync box."
Showing posts with label Brookside. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brookside. Show all posts
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