Showing posts with label Elrad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elrad. Show all posts

Sunday, November 18, 2012


on Nov 18, 2012 by RinghausenMusic
Tools : Döpfer A137 Wave Multiplier,VCO,LFO,VCF,ADSR , Q107,
Elrad & Polymorph Step-Sequencer , FX: UHER Royal & TC M300 , Logic PC , Wavelab,
Magix 17 , Cam : Panasonic TZ 31"

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

DOTCOM Q107 , Subharmonic Generator A113 ( Döpfer )

YouTube Uploaded by RinghausenMusic on Sep 27, 2011

"all Tools ; Q107 , Döpfer : A 110 , A 113 , A 120 , A 140 , A 156 , A 160/61 , Elrad DIY Sequencer ( 1978 ) , FX TC M 300"

Monday, November 08, 2010

PPG Synth & Elrad Sequencer

YouTube via RinghausenMusic | October 22, 2010

"Elrad DIY Sequencer 1978 & PPG 1002"

PPG 1002 Sound

RinghausenMusic | September 29, 2010

"Der Sound des PPG Synthesizer 1002"

PPG 1002 Design

RinghausenMusic | September 21, 2010

"PPG 1002 Design von 1976

Next : Filter & Oscillatoren Modulatoren and more

more :"

Saturday, August 01, 2009

RARITÄT ** modular Synthesizer. STEP SEQUENCER. VC-LFO

via this auction

1. Dual VC LFO
2. Fuzz Fuzz
3. Ring Modulator I
4. Ring Modulator II
5. 16 Step Sequencer

Googlish translation:
1. Dual VC-LFO : In CV for amplitude and frequency. extended by 2 rocker switch for the frequency. (Audio - very good for FM sounds)
2. Fuzz : old Elektor (?) Fuzz with 2 volumes (extreme differences) Bybass button something silly. ... ...
3. Ring modulator I: old circuit with XR2206. Based on the Vocaphonie of Elektor 1980 Remote in = cv in ? extended by Bybass switches, remote in = cv in?
4. Ring Modulator: Elektor old circuit. Formant extensions. Hi & Low inputs somewhat questionable. works wonderfully. knob out?
5. Stepsequenzer: ELRAD circuit. 1x16 or 2x8 steps steps with gate length adjustable. Reset button / Single Step prellt.
Anyone know who that is in the bottom shot?

Update via pac in the comments: "Rarität" is not a brand it just means "rare item"


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