Showing posts with label Gerland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gerland. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Vintage Mystery Synth

Anyone know what this is? It was recently spotted by Florian Anwander who had the following to say:

"This device was used while a live stream from a Hamburg Club streaming event. We had the impression, that it made 808 like drumsounds, but we are not sure. I tried to turn and unskew the picture to make the writing readable, but
the success is mediocre. It might read Mma 090. It looks like the grey rectangle is a speaker (there is a second under the moog FX). Can anyone identify what it is?"

The style reminds me of Boehm or Bohm, but I couldn't find it in the archives. If you know what it is let us know!

Update via Florian in the comments:

"Richard von der Schulenburg, who used it while this event, kindly answered my request. It is a 'PENTA Stereo keyboar' by the brand GERLAND. I found as a single hit on google this picture.

I've never heard about it, neither the brand nor the instrument. If I search for the brand name, then I find typical home organs."

GARLAND is an organ brand. Note the button style is the same as the PENTA.

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