Showing posts with label North Korea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North Korea. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2019

DPRK Synthesizer Solo

Published on Mar 14, 2019 Echo DPRK

"Song of Big Fish Haul"

Some synth spotting from North Korea! Click here for more posts featuring North Korea.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Modern music of North Korea - Synth Chicks in the DPRK

Published on Apr 28, 2013 RogueStatesMedia

Spot the synths.

"Excerpt from the latest perfomance of the Moranbong Band

Recorded from KCTV (Korean Central Television) on April 28 2013"

See the North Korea label for previous posts.

BTW, I think MATRIXSYNTH is banned in North Korea. If you look at the map below you will see it is one of the few countries with zero hits for the site. That map covers traffic to MATRIXSYNTH since its inception in 2005.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Synth Spotting in North Korea

Some North Korean synth spotting in via ::vtol::.

Click the image for the full size shot.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Juche BongoBox

Juche BongoBox from Pyongyang Tape Music Center on Vimeo.

via Chris Muir via this thread on Muff's forum.
"Leader Kim Jong Il is a pioneer of experimental music, electronic music and non-standard use of musical instruments, Dear Leader Kim Jong Il is one of the leading figures in the avant-garden.

In DPRK the people are not like in US. In US the people make music for personal profit of capitalist, making lives of people miserable and dark.

But in DPRK all the people have deep love of Dear Leader Kim Jong Il and they have also love for each other. In DPRK the comrades make experimental musick to build the independant powerful prosperous country under care of Dear Leader Kim Jong Il who give warm fatherly love to the people like rainbow coming out of sun in the sky."

This will probably hinder MATRIXYSNTH making it in North Korea. If you click on the global map of my anniversary posts you will see North Korea is one of the few countries with zero visits to the site. Oh well... Maybe they ban Google Analytics? If anyone from North Korea is out there, post a comment! :) Or maybe not. I wouldn't want to get anyone in trouble. On a synth related note, check out this post on North Korea to make electronic musical instruments.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

North Korea to Make Synth / Groovebox

via Robert:
"From the official news site of the DPRK"

" Electronic Musical Instruments Manufactured
Pyongyang, August 3 (KCNA) -- The Music and Video Electronics J. V. C. of the DPRK has recently produced electronic piano Sobaeksu and electronic organ Jangjasan for popular use, which have Korean rhythms embedded in their memories.

The electronic musical instruments to which digital sound technology was applied can be used for early musical education and dissemination of popular songs. It is also applicable to creating and editing musical pieces, connected to computer.

Sobaeksu has 42 kinds of rhythms including 14 Korean ones, 128 kinds of MIDI standard tones and 61 kinds of percussion instrumental tones in its memory.

Several famous Korean songs including "Native Home Covered with White Snow" are recorded in its memory, too.

It can be used in general musical education including sound detection, because it gives clear and correct tones with the help of the PCM digital sound source based on extra-large integration circuit.

Stored in Jangjasan are 33 children's songs, 47 kinds of rhythms including 14 Korean ones, 136 MIDI standard tones and 61 percussion instrumental tones.

As children can practice music on the basis of the musical pieces embedded in it, it greatly helps children learning music.

The musical instruments are good for establishing the Juche character and the national character in the musical education."

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