MATRIXSYNTH: Ricard Wanderlöf

Showing posts with label Ricard Wanderlöf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ricard Wanderlöf. Show all posts

Saturday, May 09, 2015

The Pollux MiMi-a Polyphonic Synthesizer Resource Page

Some of you might remember the rare Pollux MiMi-a Polyphonic Synthesizer from the demo video posted here and the Synth Gathering Sweden post here. The MiMi-a was a six voice analog polyphonic hardware synthesizer from Ricard Wanderlöf in 1987.

Swissdoc wrote in to let us know he found the resource page for the MiMi-a. According to that page: "The MiMi-a is a microprocessor controlled six-voice multitimbral analog MIDI synthesizer that I built (mostly) during the spring of 1987. That makes it ... wow ... over 20 years ago ...
Each voice is mostly analog; all signal processing is analog, with the envelope generators and LFO's being partly digital, as well as the oscillator front-ends. This makes for a warm analog sound while at the same time retaining digital precision for the envelope and LFO timing, and oscillator frequencies.

Each voice consists of:
Two oscillators, A and B, each with an adjustable range of six octaves, with sawtooth, pulse and square waveforms, as well as combinations of these, as well as two ring-modulator-type waveforms. Oscillator A can be hard-synced to oscillator B.
A combined sub-oscillator/noise generator (oscillator C).
A Moog-type -24dB/octave voltage controlled lowpass filter with voltage controlled resonance.
A linear/exponential VCA.
Three ADSSR envelope generators, one for the filter, one for the VCA and one assignable.
One syncable LFO."

See the resource page for additional details including pics of the inside and demos.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Malmö Syltjam 2012 - Synth Gathering Sweden

"Its time once more for a Syltjam at STPLN i Malmö, Sweden. Everyone knows the deal:

Bring your synthesizer
Meet nice synth people
Fondle their synths

The event will go one from around lunchtime and end somewhere in the night.

Things available at the place:

Big speaker system for jamming (but bring headphones if you wanna get intimate with a synth)
Big store really close for buying foodstuf
Kitchen for cooking foodstuf
Tables and such for putting synths on
Nice People!!

Does this sound like a nice event? Then come!
Discuss the event here: [ ]
Here are the link to last years event: We had fun! [ ]"

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Malmö Syltjam 2011 - Pollux Mimi-A & Syltjamsynth

YouTube Uploaded by DevsoundSE on Dec 4, 2011

"Demonstration of the Pollux MiMi-a 6-voice polyphonic analog synthesizer.

Built by Ricard Wanderlöf in 1987.

This amazing synth features 6 voices with two oscillators per voice plus sub-oscillator, controlled digitally by a Z80 processor and lots of home-built logic. Each oscillator has individual envelopes. It has a filter that is based on a design found in the Moog Rogue, it has a mod that allows CV-control of the resonance (the synth is even signed by Bob Moog). It's built entirely on copperless veroboard!

It sounds just amazing! This recording doesn't do it justice!"

Malmö Syltjam 2011 - Syltjamsynth

YouTube Uploaded by DevsoundSE on Dec 4, 2011

"Some videos of the synthesizer that was built during the 3-day synth-jam in Malmö 2011.
It consists of an Arduino with midi-shield, and a switch capacitor filter.

At first it had a nice 4-oscillator super-saw playing monophonically.
Later, 4 note polyphony was added, for a total of 16 oscillators!
At the end of Sunday it also had portamento, volume envelope, oscillator spread and pitchbend! All controlled via MIDI-CC.

Full schematics and source code soon avalible on"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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