Showing posts with label Synth Festa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Synth Festa. Show all posts

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Synth Festa 2012: Dubjuana Midnight System's Dub Siren

Synth Festa 2012: Dubjuana Midnight System's Dub Siren from ICON on Vimeo.

Synth Festa 2012: Dubjuana Midnight System's Dub Siren

via ICON where you'll find pics and coverage in Japanese. Googlish here.

Synth Festa 2012: ASADEN's Eleki-Ribbon

Synth Festa 2012: ASADEN's Eleki-Ribbon from ICON on Vimeo.
Synth Festa 2012: ASADEN's Eleki-Ribbon
via ICON where you'll find pics and coverage in Japanese. Googlish here.

Synth Festa 2012:'s Chip Trick

Synth Festa 2012:'s Chip Trick from ICON on Vimeo.

Synth Festa 2012:'s Chip Trick

via ICON where you'll find pics and coverage in Japanese. Googlish here.

Synth Festa 2012: denha's channel Techno LED Badge

Synth Festa 2012: denha's channel Techno LED Badge from ICON on Vimeo.

Synth Festa 2012: denha's channel Techno LED Badge

via ICON where you'll find pics and coverage in Japanese. Googlish here. More videos below.

Synth Festa 2012: denha's channel Friskmin from ICON on Vimeo.

Synth Festa 2012: denha's channel Friskmin

Synth Festa 2012: denha's channel XR-NoizBox II from ICON on Vimeo.

Synth Festa 2012: denha's channel XR-NoizBox II

Synth Festa 2012: Yonemoto Electroacoustic Laboratory

Synth Festa 2012: Yonemoto Electroacoustic Laboratory's SYSTEM Y Demo #1 (Sequencer) from ICON on Vimeo.

Synth Festa 2012: Yonemoto Electroacoustic Laboratory's SYSTEM Y Demo #1 (Sequencer)

Modular synth with some games built in.

via ICON where you'll find pics and coverage in Japanese. Googlish here. More videos below.

Synth Festa 2012: Yonemoto Electroacoustic Laboratory's SYSTEM Y Demo #2 (Push Tone) from ICON on Vimeo.

Synth Festa 2012: Yonemoto Electroacoustic Laboratory's SYSTEM Y Demo #2 (Push Tone)

Synth Festa 2012: Yonemoto Electroacoustic Laboratory's SYSTEM Y Demo #3 (Remote Control) from ICON on Vimeo.

Synth Festa 2012: Yonemoto Electroacoustic Laboratory's SYSTEM Y Demo #3 (Remote Control)


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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