Showing posts with label Toad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toad. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Toad synth Theme Song

YouTube via bluelantern320.
"This is why the synth is called toad, it can make amphibian sounds and croke."
The following are some images and details via these auctions. You can find more at the auction.

"Introducing the next chapter in Underground Electronics: The Toad Monophonic Synthesizer.
Made with the highest quality CNC PCB manufacturing, hand selected parts, and lexan front panel. Almost 90% of the controls have no wires, all onboard tight fit electronics-lightning fast very accurate response off the BOURNS high quality Pots.This project was created for my musical purposes and my higher requirements. It had to perform ILL! and be very unique. It came out so good, I am attempting to populate the world with toads! at a very resonable price level." via the forum.

Monday, October 29, 2007

toad & fronstwave fat controller

Image of a toad that wandered in from the typhoon in yokohama the other night, sent my way via Gregg of Darkflame.

Gregg's modular noodlings have been featured on Matrixsynth here and he is friends with Hataken.

I think this marks the first Toad post. :)

click the image for the full size shot.

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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