Monday, August 07, 2006

Indigo Blue - Synclavier 9600 Recording

Title link takes you the tracks on Indigo Blue, all comprised of a Synclavier 9600. You can find more info and a few more links on this DVDBorn post.

Design Box

"Designbox was founded in 1995 by the industrial designers Axel Hartmann and Stephan Leitl in Ravensburg, Southern Germany."

Take a look at the keyboards to the left. Design Box was part of the design of each as listed on this page. Going from left to right, top down you can see the following:

Alesis Andromeda
Moog Voyager
Waldorf Wave
Access Virus TI
Moog Little Phatty
Waldrof Q Keyboard
EMU Xboard
Hartmann Neuron

Title takes you Design Box. via

2 cs01s - New Flickr Shot

flickr by shistec ra.

prophet 5 music inside - New Flickr Shot

flickr by bdu.

They even threw in the kitchen sink.

Oakley Sound Modded Roland SH-101

"The modifications are my usual 'Oakley mods'. The first new knob on the left you see is the filter FM depth control. This allows the cut-off frequency to be modulated by the VCO. The switch to its right selects the waveform used by the filter FM. It can be selected from either sawtooth or the sub oscillator.

The second switch on the left is the filter mode. You can select from 'smooth', which is the default SH-101 output, and 'fizz', which is almost like band pass.

The second knob is the triangle wave output from the VCO. The switch to its right selects whether the output from this pot goes to the VCF or the VCA.

Sound samples:

Simple sequence from the SH-101's internal sequencer with various real time tweaks. You will hear the filter FM control being tweaked whilst waveform source is changed. Listen out for the sudden change in tone as the filter mode is changed from normal to the fizz. Also, hear the sound deepen as the triangle wave is added to the VCA's input. External effects are reverb only. 2.09MB. SH-101a.mp3

Solo sound with filter FM and triangle wave being fed direct to the VCA. The VCF is being swept with the SH-101's ADSR which allows the pulse wave to come up in volume behind the triangle wave. 528KB SH-101b.mp3"

Title link takes you to the source. BTW, this one is for sale in the UK. Samples saved here for posterity.

x0xb0x Mod by Amos/controlvoltage

Mod by Amos of Moog Music. Note this is his personal mod and has nothing to do with Moog Music. Just noting the players for the archives. Title link takes you to more shots and the post on ladyada's tea party. Details and one shot saved for posterity.

"List of mods:


bass boost mod; carefully-selected transistors in key places (not a mod, but a good idea);adjustable amount of resonance boost on accent (trim pot on underside of mainboard). Also increased env. amount range, goes down to zero and up to 3x normal maximum amount.

I/O mods: CV outputs from the sequencer for Pitch and Gate (same as stock, now with 1/4" jacks), also Accent and Slide gate-CVs. CV Inputs for Gate, Accent, Slide, Pitch, and Filter Cutoff. New audio I/O is on a 1/4" stereo jack providing VCO out/VCF in, for a pre-filter effects loop or clean external audio into the filter/VCA. See my thread in x0xm0dz for more details. VCF input goes well with the "gate always-on" switch I added.

Panel/control mods:

Devilfish-esque VCO-to-Filter overdrive;
Accent duration control knob.
VCO->VCF FM, has FM amount knob and FM waveform selector switch;
Resonance Boost switch, with trimmer for setting boost amount
Gate always on switch - VCA wide open with infinite sustain. Good for bubbling liquid legato lines or external filter processing. Filter falls to minimum unless you are using my envelope mutator, or hit the:
Momentary Gate-Retrigger button; this fires off the main envelope generator when pressed, so you can inject some variety into always-on lines or just goose the sequence when you want.
momentary Accent-on button, similar principle as above, fire an Accent on demand.

Envelope Mutator - my own little street-style RC envelope circuit, takes in a +5V pulse and bleeds it to ground thru a variable resistance. This is then applied to filter cutoff, where it interacts with all the other filter mods to create delicious new flavors of groove. The source is selectable between Gate (all notes trigger the env mutator), Accent, and Slide triggers via a miniature 3pos. rotary switch; there is a mutation on/off switch, a Mutation Duration knob, variable between ~5 milliseconds and 5 seconds, and I am about to add a Mutation Amount knob for added subtlety. Right now it is either off or full-on.

I think that's about it... still to be done are the momentary switches when the parts get here, and drilling the panel for the controls. The jack panel isn't perfectly machined but I might fine-tune it... or leave it looking a little DIY, which it certainly is. It should be finished up sometime next week! Sound samples when I get a chance. It sounds.... mighty good.

edit: here is a half-arsed sound sample... unfortunately the envelope mutator is not fully installed w/level control so it gets out of hand... also no momentary buttons yet so the legato/drone sections are not what they will be soon. But, bandwidth is cheap these days, so here's 10 mins of impromptu tweaking on stuff.

-=x0x Tw34Ks=-"

Matrixsynth by Neuro

Roland Juno-D

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Serge in Custom Cabinet

Gorgeous. Via Ross:

"Just thought I'd drop you a photo of my Serge made up in a VCS3 style cabinet. My dad made it over a month I learnt quite a bit along the way, the biggest mistake is to not give enough space between the bottom section and the top, as you have to factor in stacking banana plugs. I should have made the gap a little bit bigger, but can always swap the TKB Touch keyboard up two modules:-)

What is strange is that I am using the Serge now in a different way just because of the cabinet? :-)

The next step is to have 2 more panels in another cabinet on top featuring Livewire, Plan B and Doepfer all banana jacked. Oh and then there is my VICMOD Modular synth which I am building with our group, so the future is looking modular."

c64 Orchestra on YouTube

"C64 Orchestra approached two of the most experienced C64-users from the 1980s, Rob Hubbard and Jeroen Tel. The current work of these two Commodore 64 musicians intend their compositions to be exploited with the aid of a classical orchestra. The compositions that they are going to play:
Rob Hubbard's compositions:
Monty on the Run, One Man And His Droid, Commando, International Karate, Master of Magic.
Jeroen Tel's:
Cybernoid II, Hawkeye, Myth, Supremacy, Iron Lord.
Midway 2006 will see this production premiered."

Great documentary. via Tim Peters. Thanks Tim!

Synclavier Lap Synth and Possible Soft Synth

Thought this shot was kind of funny. The Synclavier isn't exactly the sort of synth I think about taking with me out to play on my lap in the woods. I guess if someone is bold enough to bring that out along with the computer, there could be a power generator sitting just outside that shot.

Via Failed Muso where you can find more shots. As for a soft synth, he also found this intersting blurb on the Synclavier site:

"I am researching the possibility of creating a Synclavier® "plug-in" for several hardware platforms that would recreate the "Synclavier® Sound" by accurately modeling the actual operation of the original Synclavier® hardware. I am convinced that, by utilizing 96/192 Khz 24-bit technology, such a plug-in could faithfully reproduce the sound of a variable sampling rate digital audio system. This project will take between 12 and 24 months."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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