Monday, April 03, 2006

Alesis Fusion Updates on Synthwire

Title link takes you to some updates via Carbon111 worth checking out.

Direct Links:
Fusion Signal Path
Upgrading from an Alesis Fusion 6HD to 8HD
Alesis Fusion - One Week In ;)

Yamaha's First Affordable FM Keyboard

The Piano and Synth blog has a post up on the Yamaha CE-20. The post includes their official 1982 press release. The CE20 was a preset only FM keyboard by Yamaha. It predates the DX7 which came out in 1983 according to this Yamaha timeline. Title link takes you to the post on The Piano and Synth blog.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Heathens! - New Flickr Shot

flickr by schmilblick. Thought the caption was pretty funny.

"Whats a LCD doing in an analogue machine? There should be only knobs and switches!"

Polyfonken - New Flickr Set

flickr by polyfonken. Title link takes you there.

18 Oscillator Done Box on Get LoFi

"The synth contains banks of 6 oscillators with 2 acting as LFOs and a ring mod-like effect that is achieved with a summing the signals and also feeding them back into the oscillators." Title link takes you to the post with more shots and video link.

Synthi A - New Flickr Shot

flickr by msk. Took me a second to relize it was upside down. : )

Korg SB-100

Korg Bass Synthesizer. Title link takes you to a couple of shots and a long sample of various sounds. Via Benjamin Ward of Korg Kornukopia on AH.

Flowthrough Studio Shots - New Flickr Set

flickr by flowthrough. Title link takes you to the set.

Korg - New Flickr Shot

flickr by phaturanium.

Cwejman Modular Shots on Moogulator

Title link takes you to some drool worthy shots.


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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