Saturday, November 03, 2007

EMS Synthi AKS

currently up for auction on VEMIA.

This Synthi has the following mods:
"Modifications include 3-way sync switches for OSC 1 & 2, a high/low range switch for OSC 3, a portamento knob for when it is being run by the sequencer, and a normal / one-shot envelope switch."

Synton rackmount VCF 917

currently up for auction on VEMIA.

techno maiko

via hamilton

Edirol MIDI controller and little folded paper geisha.

PPG 360 on Aliens Project

click here for the PPG 360 page on Aliens Project. At the bottom of the page you will find some samples. via Mr. Array in the comments of this post.

The Musichouse Utrecht

click here for the flickr set by 37Hz.

"Visiting the number one synth shop in The Netherlands on October 27th, 2001."

Modulation of the filter of Ems Avs on "One the Run"

YouTube via deb7680 (click for more videos).
"Tutorial: an example of the interest to control the filter with the button of trapezoidal of the envelope. The test was carried out with the file midday of "One the Run" of Pink Floyd. The patch takes support on the preset bass 3 for the reading or the recording midi. The parameters of the filter were only modified."

The Moog Modular V2 singing - Le Moog chantant

YouTube via deb7680. via Nusonica.

moog emsa x-y controllers and CEMS cabinet

flickr by independentsoundandvisi on. Click through for more shots. To see to see the full size, click on the All Sizes link for each when you get there.

Click here for more info on the CEMS.

Update: see this post for more info on the x-y controllers. These are also part of the VEMIA auction.

Andor Digital Analog Wavetable Look-up Synth by Michael Dunn

"A music synthesizer module I designed ~1979. A cool digital/analogue hybrid that can generate either audio signals or envelopes using a 256-sample lookup table. To generate the table, it interfaces to either a computer, or to an XY panel I built (not shown) using four linear pots."

You can see more projects by Michael Dunn here. Anyone know what the first wavetable synth was?

Devi Ever : Effector13 - Drilling

YouTube via wwwEFFECTOR13com.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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