Tuesday, April 29, 2008

keybdwizrd - Prophet '08 Demo #5

YouTube via keybdwizrd
"Demonstration of the Prophet '08 8-voice analog synthesizer from Dave Smith Instruments. Lexicon MX200 used for effects (reverb, delay). For more information visit"

keybdwizrd - Prophet '08 Demo #6 (stereo)

Roland JX-8P + PG-800 Analog Synthesizer by RetroSound

YouTube via retrosound72

"vintage synth demo by RetroSound

'the demo shows the real time possibilities of the Roland JX-8P with the optional programmer PG-800'

The programmer PG-800 makes the JX-8P to the perfect classic analog synthesizer!

'demo of various Oscillator, VCF and ADSR-envelope settings, X Modulation, Sync, Chorus and more'

'Roland JX-8P triggered by the MFB Step64 step sequencer and sync with the Roland TR-707 drum machine'

This video demo is not a musical statement, only demonstration of the sound possibilities of the instrument."

megapole midi

flickr by pac209

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flickr by buchlajoe

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"me and my buddies moog"

Interview: Scott Jaeger aka The Harvestman by Bryan Erickson.

"Let me start by saying I love my polivoks filter and my malgorithm bit crusher. The Harvestman makes really unique analog and digital modules for the doepfer eurorack modular format. I could not live with out either of these, In fact when I was freaking out over the unstable tracking on my oscillators, I was going to sell my modular system, But I kept going, what would I do with out my custom faceplated Malgorithm and the brutal resonance of the Polivoks filter? Die I think. The Harvestman gave me the real reason to keep my modular, so I could make mean evil sounds, and skin peeling resonant acid sounds(Not to mention he is a totally cool guy to talk to, and yeah, I think he will get his guitar pedals out before Gun’s and Roses gets their new LP out). LOL. I really appreciate that Scott took the time to answer my silly questions."

You can find the full interview on VAC.


SCRL from 7oi on Vimeo.
"This is the first part of my performance called SCRL/CRCL which i performed at the spring concert at the Iceland Academy of the Arts. I'm using a wacom drawing board and my monome 64 and they're controlling a max/msp patch i made."

via 7oi on the CDM forum where you will find links to more.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Wire to the Ear takes you to Jomox.

Wire to the Ear takes you to Jomox. from wiretotheear on Vimeo.
"Oliver Chesler (The Horrorist) goes to Jomox in Berlin, Germany to purchase a Mbase 01 analog kick drum module. At Jomox the owner Jürgen Michaelis shows Oliver his workshop and toys."

Update: see the write up on wire to the ear.

Modular Synthesizer Meeting 9.-11.5.2008 (Happy Knobbing)

"Modular Meeting - we” gonna do another modular synth meeting in germany.

Info: Happy_Knobbing_Modular_Meeting

& Forum: viewtopic.php?p=253849#253849"


Something Wicked This Way Comes

flickr by _mpd_

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flickr by _mpd_

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Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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