Thursday, July 03, 2008

ETI 4600

via Rick. More images including some DIY synth circuit ideas here.

Moog Source

via this auction

"The Moog Source is a 2-VCO, micro-processor-controlled, programmable monophonic synthesizer, with 16 memory locations, and a 3-octave, 37-note (C-C) keyboard.

It features an arpeggiator and a digital sequencer with memory for two seqences of up to 64 notes.

The Source was one of the first to use digital parameter access for programming, a method now commonly found in today's synthesizers, using membrane switches, a two-digit LED display and a single data knob.

Both VCOs have three available waveforms (sawtooth, triangle, and pulse; with pulse width modulation) and three available octaves (32', 16', and 8'). VCO2 can be detuned at fixed intervals and it can be also synced to VCO1.

The mixer section features levels for VCO1, VCO2 and Noise.

The VCF (24dB/octave) has parameters for keyboard tracking (off, 1/2, and full), cutoff frequency, resonance, and contour (Moog's word for envelope) amount.

There are two ADSR envelope generators, one for the VCF and one for the VCA. The envelopes can be set in single or multi trigger modes. The LFO (triangle and square waveforms) can be routed to the VCOs and the VCF.

The Source also features a sample-and-hold which can be routed to the VCF. To the left of the keyboard is the pitch bend and the modulation wheel, along with two octave-switching buttons.

These and a volume knob are the only dedicated controls. On the back panel are the audio out, cassette interface, a pitch knob (for fine tuning), and CV and S-trigger inputs and outputs.

The 16 factory pre-sets are: Lead 1, Lead 2, Horn, Flute, Clav Bass, Vibes, String Bass, Harpsichord, Organ, Trill Voice, Taurus, Synthevox, Sax, Wind, Snare Drum, and Lead 1 (duplicated here so that if you wanted to, you could use this extra slot to move patches around). Programs are saved and loaded via a cassette interface."

Moog Minimoog

images via this auction

"Serial number is 6760 and it has the original version osc board. The date of manufacter is written on the metal plate behind the front panel as 1/29/75."


via this auction

"An infinitely tweakable array of electronic percussion sounds are available from sub bass kicks to searing filter sweeps with seven knobs for LFO rate, decay length, Mode/timbre, VCO, sweep depth, intensity and volume. The synth is built into a sturdy enamelled metal box and features a clamp for mounting on the rim of a drum."

Oberheim Polyphonic Keyboard Module

images via this auction

Moog Prodigy

images via this auction

fire extinguisher and water hose.

Oberheim Polyphonic Synthesizer Programmer

images via this auction

CV Proto

flickr by Collin Mel
(click for more)

full size

"Proto-style control voltage keyboard for analog synth testing and convenient fun."

Korg MS2000 01

flickr by Ran Kirlian

full size

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


via brian c:

"it starts as a simple 3 note 4 bar matrix 1000 patch #220 and that patch and sequence stays the same throughout, the only variations after that is from the filter, it ends with the basic patch one more time, I threw in a simple drum for interest too

the warp 9 is a mono 2 pole filter so it does not self resonate but there are some features that make it very attractive

the filter envelope can be triggered by a midi note on signal (or audio signal if you prefer) so you can control triggers with a sequence, then you can very the trigger patterns and the LFO recycle can also be linked to the triggers on varying combinations, there are a variety of LFO shapes, algorithms and a sample and hold

from there it goes to stage two where you control cutoff, resonance and modulation strength and you can throw in some distortion of you want ( I rarely do)

in the demo I got it going and then tweeked a few parameters - kinda nice IMHO, this thing can make the matrix 1000 a lot more interesting

best part is there are 32 memory slots so when you get a good filter set up you can save it all and recall it later - way cool , and it will transit knob movements out to midi of you want to take it that far

the negatives are that each knob is used for three different parameters so it is quite confusing, the patch ids are also in binary light combinations not in numbers, blecch

all in all this has been the hardest piece in my rig to learn to control but I,m getting it"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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