Saturday, December 03, 2011

Korg Monotribe OS Version 2 Update: Quick Demo

YouTube Uploaded by idesignsound on Dec 3, 2011

"Took a quick video today while trying out some of the new features that were added with the Monotribe OS Version 2.0 firmware update. In the video I used the new 16-step synth sequence, drum roll, sample & hold, and volume change recording."

AMSynths Update & AM108 Jupiter-8 / Jupiter-4 Filter

I just received the AMSynths newsletter. The latest news is that the AM8319 Ring Wraith will be in production in early January, and the AM8005 Filter Cube, AM8047 UAF and AM8027 VCO will follow. The newsletter also mentioned their current modules which you can find on their website.

The one module I realized I haven't posted yet is their AM108 Jupiter-8 and Jupiter-4 filter pictured here.

"This module is replication of the Low Pass Filter from the legendary Roland Jupiter 8 and 4. This is a 2 and 4 pole OTA design that Roland first used in the Jupiter 4 in 1980, replacing a discrete version of the filter which took up more PCB space.

This is a warm sounding filter with smooth frequency control and a resonance that gradually increases up to full self oscillation, a sound very reminiscent of the early 1980's.

The difference between 2 and 4-pole modes is not dramatic, with the 2-pole mode providing a more gradual cutoff slope and silky sound."

Other modules in development include:

AM8012 ARP2600P transistor VCF
AM8027 ARP2600P VCO
AM8044 Cascade LPF and HPF
AM8047 ARP2500 Universal Active Filter
AM8475 Odyssey VCF and HPF
AM8706 Titan Modulation Source
AM8280 CS80 Dual SVF
AM8104 Roland JP VCF + HPF"

Best of CGS - BOG Serge Format

flickr By SMS303
(click for more)

"SMS303 DIY Modular synth
Best of CGS BOG (Bringer Of Groove) Panel
Panel Design by: Zthee"

Instant Sound Syndrums CM Ad Scan

flickr By SMS303
(click for more)


The QUAD console has a separate headphone amplifier for practice or tuning. The mixed output provides an excellent feed for virtually any recording or live situation. The individual channel outputs offer the same mixing flexibility as a close miked drum set, with an even tighter sound.

For monitoring, the drummer and other musicians can wear studio cue headphones, totally eliminating mic leakage and sympathetic vibration in nearby acoustic instruments. The QUADS mixed output can also be fed simultaneously to a bass or drum amplifier for convenient in-studio monitoring and room sound."

A flat

flickr By Sawa Masaki

"foot player"

Midibox White

flickr By schrabikus
(click for more)


KORG Keytar Oven Mitts

flickr By ms.sad

"Oven mitt design. Modeled after the Korg RK-100 Keytar. Made by me!"

ROLAND TR-909 with Rev 4 Eprom & M-64C Memory Card

via this auction
akahardoff (RSS)

Vintage Korg Univox SR-120 Automatic Rhythm Insturment SN 770004

via this auction

Keio Geiken (KORG) Mini Pops 7 handheld drum machine boys toy SN 70891

via this auction

"Korg handhelp mini pops drum machine sequencer all in one sound module. Ideal for all you old skool electro heads and 80s fans. Working well & still sounding good."

Videos at the auction previously posted here.


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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