MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Bakis

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Showing posts sorted by date for query Bakis. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, September 07, 2008

New Serge M-odule: The CV Processor M-odule!

via Bakis

"a new Serge M-odule has been released: the 'CV Processor' m-odule.

it contains a Scaling Processor, a Dual Processor, an Active Processor, a Dual Comparator and a Schmitt Triggers module. Price is 1600 usd.

it is a very useful m-odule, that takes care of all your scaling, attenuation , cv mixing, cv offset needs, plus you get two comparators and a schmitt trigger module for any 'set-reset flip-flop' applications you may have."

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Serge Mahem and Klangziet

via Bakis

"two new Serge M-odules have been released: the "Mayhem" (1700 USD) a great m-odule that its actually a mini-synth in itself that can do lots of stuff! it contains a DTG module (Dual Transient Generator) an SSG (Smooth and Stepped generator) module, a Random Source module (includes pink and white Noise and S/H source outs, S/H outs, plus pulse and smooth and stepped outputs), and a VCACOMP module (a Comparator plus a DC-coupled VCA ).

the "Klangzeit" (3100 USD) it's an m-odule for warping sound in various ways. it includes a Frequency Shifter module, a Wilson Analog Delay module, an XFAD module (audio crossfader plus vca) and a C/O module that is actually a manual Trigger gen, plus a linear and an exponential Attenuator."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Great Improvements of the Serge Triple Osc M-odule

via Bakis:

"via Rex Probe himself:
'about the new NTO & PCOs:

The VC FM index on the NTO is now linear with no base line pitch shift

The SYNC inputs work much better, with the points of tuning between the master & slave optimized. The sync 'grab' is now much 'deeper' into the harmonics.

The portamento section of the NTO is much smoother with lower harmonic distortion and better linearity.

Because of many improvements to the circuit associated with the SINE output, the sonic purity is greatly improved and with it the swept sine into the FM inputs
sounds great!

All the waveform outs on both the NTO & PCO have much improved sonic characters. Lower harmonic distortion, lower intermodulation distortion, lower phase noise, improved bandwidth linearity and improved jitter -- all without compromising their analog (phat) tonal richness!'"

Friday, July 25, 2008

New Serge m-odule released: CV Matrix Mixer!

via Bakis:

"a new Serge M-odule has just been announced: the 'CV Matrix Mixer' m-odule. price is 1600 USD and photos are attached. (actually, the photos are of my m-odule) :-)

it includes a CV Matrix Mixer module and two Active Processor modules."

Friday, June 20, 2008

Serge modular wilson delay

YouTube via cray56

Update: A little more info on the Wilson Delay in this video via Bakis Sirros on AH:

"a new Serge M-odule has been released! it is the Wilson Delay M-odule and it costs 2250 USD.

it includes:
the Wilson Analogue Delay module, a Dual Transient Generator, a MIX PRO,
and an XFader. photos are in the photos section (m-class album) of the Yahoo Serge

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Synch Festival 2008

via Bakis of Parallel Worlds

"i will be making a 3-hour analogue modular synthesis workshop (practical use of analogue modulars) based on the Doepfer A100 modular during the 3 days of Synch festival.


details for the workshop below:

Analogue Modular Synthesis

The workshop is focused on the application of the basic methods of synthesis(Subtractive, FM, AM) on analogue modular synthesizers (the Doepfer A-100 analogue modular synthesizer will be used as an example):
Application of analogue VCOs, LFOs, Envelopes, VCAs, Ring modulator, Waveshapers, Sample and Hold for the creation of simple and intricate sonic tones, drums and sound effects in the modular environment.
Connection with cv / gate keyboard controller. Application of analogue step-sequencers and analogue modular synths as real-time sound manipulation tools (interactive link between sound source and analogue modular). Practical application of analogue modulars and MIDI.

Instructor: Bakis Sirros

best regards,

Monday, April 28, 2008

RS370 Polyphonic harmonic generator - Samples

via Bakis on AH:

click here for the samples

"For the above audio demo clips the following has been used: apart from the sound source that is an Analogue Systems RS-Integrator modular (including two RS370's, two RS375's and two RS290's), many Doepfer envelopes, multiples, mixers, vca's, lfo's, plus Metalbox/CGs, sequential switches, Gated Comparators, Burst generator, Pulse Divider/ Logic, VC Divider, Gate Sequencer, Digital Noise, plus Blacet VCO's, Attenuator. Reverb, Delay and Chorus from Sony and Roland Digital Effect processers have been also added sometimes."

Friday, November 02, 2007

Pro/File: Modular Odyssey on Electronic Musician

"In this era of digitally manipulated sound, pure electronic music — that is, music based totally on analog synthesis — could be considered a lost art. But take one look around the module-packed studio of Greek composer Bakis Sirros, and you might feel thrown back to a time when spaghetti-like coils of multicolored patch cords were still in vogue, and tireless innovators in overheated sound labs were pushing huge banks of analog circuitry to their limits.

'I'd always wanted the real hardware,' says Sirros, who acquired his first Doepfer A-100 modular synth (and founded the first online Doepfer users group — with Dieter Doepfer himself as a member) about eight years ago, 'because I liked the open architecture. Whenever I was working with monosynths, I was always thinking, ‘What if I had one more LFO and could modulate this?’ No hardwired synthesizer could give me that capability, so it was very important for me to get the real thing, with all the knobs to touch and cables to plug in.'" click here for the full article. Bakis Sirros/Parallel Worlds

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Parallel Worlds

via Bakis on the Cyndustries list:
"There is a Parallel Worlds Interview in the November Issue (out now) of the US Electronic Musician Magazine.

The interview is in the Pro/file section of the mag on page 154. the article is entitled “Modular Odyssey”, (talking about music technology and the latest Parallel Worlds cd album “Obsessive Surrealism”).

There are extra photos from the interview session in the Bonus Material page of the EM website (in the November issue EM web clips)

Here it is.

You can see lots of analogue modulars of course… (and more synths are out of the photos…)"

Also check out the Parallel Worlds website. You might remember it from this post.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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