MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for noddyspuncture

Showing posts sorted by date for query noddyspuncture. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query noddyspuncture. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, November 26, 2021

Korg's PS3100 and Sigma...

video upload by noddyspuncture

"Something a little different - using my PS3100 and Sigma..."

Korg PS3100 - 4th note triggering...

Friday, October 22, 2021

Minimoog - Expo and Lin Glide Comparison...

video upload by noddyspuncture

"Having installed one of my Minimoogs into my R.A.Modular (which has some modules dating back to 1967..! 😲 ) I also added a couple of switches which can switch it between the Modular's 950 keyboard circuit or it's own in-built keyboard circuit. This was just in case, when using it 'live' something occurred which meant I couldn't use the Modular - for example if the Modular's power supply malfunctioned. And with that pairing the glide function comes into play. The Minimoog's internal glide is linear whereas the 950 keyboard's is exponential. It just occurreed to me that I could make a video comparing the two... so here it is."

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Moog Model 15 with 904A, 904B & 904C...

video upload by noddyspuncture

"Messing with the 904C filter coupler I built a while back. The echo is courtesy of a Boss RPS-10 pitch shifter/delay. There is a (Hammond organ) reverb tank built into the Model 15 with a 905 circuit and it's turned up full - but as the decay time is so short you can't really hear it, it's just colouring the sound slightly...."

Saturday, October 09, 2021

Moog Model 15 - Using the 904B HPF Module

video upload by noddyspuncture

"So I dialled in some H.P.F...."

904B HPF

Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Moog Modular "Preset Box Working" Demo....

video upload by noddyspuncture

"Having built three of the ten cards and wired up their 'D' connecting harnesses I can now switch between four sounds.... four because the 'cancel' or 'panel' button strangely also make a nice sound..! This is quite strange because for the preset cards to work the EG, filter and footage setting have to be set a certain way. So here's my first time using the thing that I've been building for over a year now. I also added a section of a close up of one cards and I'm running through different settings and tweaking away so you get an idea of how it works."

Saturday, August 07, 2021

Modular Moog Preset Box - demo of a few functions...

video upload by noddyspuncture

"So, basically having now built and interfaced everything with regards to the Moog Modular preset box - (except the preset cards and also the 901's, I'm still waiting on the FET from the USA for those...) - it occurred to me that I should maybe test out a few of the features. I could do that by replicating what a card would do... basically connecting points to ground and applying some voltages here and there so I picked the lines into the 921B oscillators which control the footages. I also picked one of the lines into the 921A controller for fine tune and then I found the two lines which control the mixer inputs I'm using. I fed a sawtooth from the first 921B osc and a triangle from the second into the mixer, The mixer control here is just on & off... or 'sounding' and 'muted'. The card will allow for in between, so voltage controlled 'mixing' will be possible. I used my little breadboard and pins to change the settings. The functions I'm not changing here are the filter cut-off, the resonance level and also none of the EG parameters. Adding those to this demo would have been too big a job and as I've already had problems with those bundles of wires shorting, it wasn't worth the risk..! And also as those are a massive part of the 'perceived effects' on a patch change this demo is quite a simple and basic one - just to confirm my wiring is 'something like' and also to give you an idea of what this thing will be doing."

Friday, July 23, 2021

The 'Keith Emerson' Moog 901 series oscillator and controller...

video upload by noddyspuncture

"Less than a year after Keith got his Moog Modular, Bob extensively modified his 901 series oscillators and oscillator controllers. He made them much more stable, solid and reliable tuning wise. There are drawings of schematics of his modifications, which are dated February 1971. I have built a 901A oscillator controller and also a 901B oscillator from these drawings and here is the first time I fired them up and got them to work. Initially they didn't work because I discovered that the FET transistor - which I had bought over a year ago and was still in it's 'anti-static' bag - was actually dead..! It probably originated from China...? I can't remember. Anyways, after installing a generic (the wrong) FET from my stock it all started making noises. Of course, being the wrong component it now won't calibrate according to the instructions but I did manage to tweak the calibration controls by ear to get it to play on one of the octave settings. When I manage to source a good FET of the correct type I'm sure it will all behave as intended - or at least I hope so...!"

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Moog Model 15 & Korg Foot Balancer Pedal..

video upload by noddyspuncture

"My Korg FK-5 - I knew that one day I would find a use for it...!"

Friday, April 09, 2021

CS80 - just messing around with the lid up...

video by noddyspuncture

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Moog System15 modifications demo...


Interesting bit on Keith Emerson & Bob Moog at 6:24.

"A lot of modifications to make and modules to build to get the System15 ready for it's 'preset box'... Oh, and then the 'preset box' itself needs building as well..!"

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Novation Bass Station sequenced....


"Novation Bass Station sequenced... with a Q960 and fed through a Moogerfooger MF-104M delay..."

Friday, October 23, 2020

Trying to get Emo's trademark sounds on Modular Moog...


Note the Minimoog on the top rack.

"So I set myself a challenge - you know, like you do... I wanted to see if I could run through Emo's trademark Moog sounds & effects as seamlessly as possible..? The ones which are used when we play live. And as I don't have 'presets', I need to dial each one in manually..! Some are quite complicated patches so I've made some special, custom leads incorporating switches etc.. so all I have to do is remember to switch the right ones on & off at the right time. I'm having to think ahead and scan the Moog and set the next patch while I'm playing the current one so my mind isn't on the playing, more on getting the next patch up and running as smoothly as possible. It took a few attempts but think I managed it... 😃"

Friday, September 04, 2020

Memorymoog arpeggiator


"Playing with the Memorymoog arpeggiator..."

Saturday, May 02, 2020

DX7 through a Roland Space Echo

Published on May 2, 2020 noddyspuncture

DX7.... Yaay!
Space Echo....Yaay!
Minor chords... Yaay!
End on a major.... hmmm...!?

Monday, March 30, 2020

Minimoog & Polysix #2

Published on Mar 30, 2020 noddyspuncture

"Minimoog has all three rows (2/3 & the newly added 4) doing the filter CV and processed in the usual way using the sequential switch. I'm also selecting/deselecting stages via the COTK gate sequencer. The Polysix is just doing the effects."

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Minimoog & Source sequence - using 960 '4th row' modification...

Published on Mar 22, 2020 noddyspuncture

"I like building custom modifications - especially when they surprise me by ending up being even more useful and amazing than I envisaged..! This one is, even if I say so myself, one of my best so far without a doubt. The 960 sequencer is great but when you use it to play two separate lines on two separate synths, you still only get one row left for the control of the filter. I use my 960 via a gate sequencer so the 'skip/normal/stop' mode switches are redundant which gave me the idea of adding a '4th row' to the 960. I was thinking of removing them but in the end I just built the row of pot's into an external plastic strip - you can see it on the Minimoog there - it's not fully finished and I've yet to cut it down to size and stick some knobs on. It's on a 'flying lead' and on this video is controlling filter CV of one synth with the third row of the sequencer controlling the other. Opens up a whole world of new possibilities... I knew it was a good idea... 😍"

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Minimoog - sequenced with Moog 700 series drum groove...

Published on Feb 25, 2020 noddyspuncture

"A couple of Moogerfooger's also used - RingMod on the 702 percussion synth and also MF-104M Delay on the Mini. Also a bit of Bode frequency shifter."

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Jupiter 8 - a play on Arpeggiator 1 & 2

Published on Feb 18, 2020 noddyspuncture

"Playing with the Jupiter 8 arpeggiator - modes 1 & 2... with a little bit of filter mod going on as well...!"

Monday, February 03, 2020

Minimoog, 960 Sequencer & Custom Trigger Divider...

Published on Feb 3, 2020 noddyspuncture

"I built a trigger divider a while back and have only just fitted it into the sequencer case. It also needed some alterations making to function exactly as I wanted... the first 'build' wasn't working reliably."

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Yamaha SY-2

Published on Jan 28, 2020 noddyspuncture

"The SY-2 is actually a little piece of the Yamaha GX-1.... 😎"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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