Friday, July 14, 2006

Wohmart Voyetra 8 Site

Title link takes you there.

Plan B Mystery Meat

Via Peter Grenader of Plan B on AH.

"The following link is a soundbyte of an all-Plan B patch, which along with a
single Model 10, 13 and 15, incorporates three modules you've not seen nor
heard before...but you will real real soon. That's all I'm going to say.

OK OK OK, one more thing: that ain't the Model 12 filter you're hearing.



enjoy (or not!),

- P"

Oberheim Four Voice Sample

Click here for a 5.2M sample via Heath Finnie. Via this VSE post.

Shot via Heath's flickr set.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

last disco at the fan mile - New Flickr Shot

flckr by Melita.

To the guy that complained about me putting up every single flickr shot I come accross: this one's for you. : P

Zena SoundScape Project

Title link takes you there. Via David:

"I've been a regular matrixsynth blog reader since I first put my hands
on a little blue novation laptop module ... now I recorded a few demo
tracks, and it would be a great honor for to be worth a post on your

The music is Ambient, and not nova only : I also used some an
Andromeda, Wavestation, K2000 and Novation Nova, while all drum
sequences come from laptop based software : recording gear shots are
on the way ...

Mainly a live session, mostly live FXs, slightly cut and reworked ...
of course any comments/advices are welcome :-)"

I like it. ; )

MS-02 Schematic

Title link takes you to the full scan. Here's one in color. Both mirrored here.

Patrick Cowley and the E-mu System

Title link takes you there. Groovey.

The AM0600

Title link takes you there.

"The AM0600 The Analog Metropolis version of the Roland CSQ-600 has been extensively re-engineered with the following changes:

The case has been ditched, and the main PCB and PSU integrated into the AM Modular Cabinet.

The CSQ-600 is controlled from a new remote front panel, linked to the sequencer via a ribbon cable.

The remote panel is a standard AM style panel, just 135mm wide. Have a look at the mocked up front panel to see how much we have slimmed down the controls.

Some controls have been left on the CSQ-600 PCB, to simplify the front panel and because they aren't likely to get used much (e.g. gate rewrite and portamento).

The remaining key controls have been located on the new front panel, and replaced with high quality components which transform the usabaility.

A new replacement potentiometer for TEMPO

New toggle switches and buttons

New 5mm LED's, blue, red and aqua green

The original inputs and outputs have also been slimmed down to the bare essentials, and located on the new control panel.

The CSQ-600 will sync to an external 1 beat per note signal. So I have added MIDI clock sync.. "

SMS Modular

Title link takes you to more shots and schematics.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Quasimidi Nucleus Front Panel on the 'Bay

This is something I thought I'd never see. The front panel of a Quasimidi Nucleus up for auction. Title link takes you there while it's up. According to the auction, only 3 exist. Details translated from the auction: "Front screen for the NUCLEUS, which was not finished, with light scratch. There are only 3 pieces world-wide."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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