Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Aliens Project MS50 Shots

Title link takes you to a few more shots of the Korg MS50 on Aliens Project.


Modded Axxe

flickr by carbon111.

Title link takes you to more synth shots by carbon111.

Yamaha CS60

Title link takes you to shots pulled via this auction.

Note carbon111 is selling this one, local pickup in the Seattle area. Carbon111 is a stand up guy, so I'd bid with confidence on this one.


flickr by adsomers.

Prophet 600 Demo

Title link takes you there.

Game Boy Synth

Via CloudOnAFly on this VSE thread:

"After of 2 hours of working in assembly for the Z80 chip on the Game Boy Color. I have emerged victorious finally gaining access to the synth chip. I made this incredibly gritty buzzing ...square wave... that aside...the hardware is pretty sweet you can make your own wave forms, going to mess with that a little later.

contents of the synth chip:
1 quadrangle wave with sweep and envelope
1 quadrangle wave with envelope
1 noise sound generator
1 custom wave form...

essentially it's beautiful...
ps. assembly is a royal pain"


Image and details for the new M3X2 via the MacBeth Studio Systems site.

"New features of the M3X2 more use of discrete parts- ie, transistors. The ADSR Envelope Generators are entirly new- all transistor based- they are seriously snappy! The Noise Generator is a new design-featuring 'Light Noise' and 'Dark Noise'- totaly variable between both 'colours'...the Filter has been improved upon- as have the oscillators- going back to the Op-Amp/Comparitor/Transistor design... The front panel now features separate CV Inputs to all three Oscillators/Filter/VCA with a +5V Gate input replacing the defunct S-Trig. Each Oscillator has it's own separate output, as does the Filter and the VCA......Oh yes, Analogue Glide has been included too- as well as the Digital Glide built into the MIDI to CV section. There is also a 9 waveform LFO built in featuring Triangle, Saw Up, Saw Down, 5 rectangular shapes and of course Sample and hold...this is an exciting synth in a solid steel, 6U rackspace/angled wedge!"

Monday, September 18, 2006

MPC500 Shots Leaked

Title link takes you to the post with one more shot on Music Thing.

Creamware Klangboxes

Interesting. I missed this on Apparently Creamware is coming out with knobless rack versions of their ASB line of synths. I don't see any info on the Creamware site as of this post. Title link takes you to more info on

Here's the Minimax ASB, non rack version.

Streetmachine Alligatron

Another custom Casio SK-1. Title link takes you to the post on GetLoFi.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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