Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Protector

flickr by polaranta.

Azul y Negro

La Noche - YouTube via AyNonTV. Korg Polysix, Roland Jupiter-8, Korg MS20, Roland VP-330 vocoder?

Isadora [1982] - Same as above

NĂºmeros Rojos [1985] - YouTubes via AyNonTV. Let me know if you can ID the synths. I think the big synth in front of the singer is an Akai AX80.

Hombre Lobo - YouTube via elenarendezvous. Korg Polysix, MS20, Roland SH-2, VP-330, others?

Sent my way via Alien M. Thanks Alien M!

Virtual Roland PG-800 and PG-300

Virtual JX-8P and Alpha Juno 1/2 controllers via Erick. Title link takes you to more info and the free download. Mac only. You'll find a couple of other tools as well including an EQ and Waveform viewer.

Boss DR-55 MIDI Sync

"As well as being able to sync the DR-55 to midi, with the flick of a switch, the DR-55 can now sync to its own clock and will transmit 24 midi clocks per metronome and midi start and stop according to the DR-55 internal clock and run status. It generates the 24 midi clocks per metronome by transmitting 6 MIDI clocks for every pulse of the DR-55 internal clock"

Title link takes you to more info.

Friday, December 29, 2006

MOOG on DIY Network

And here they are! Via KitsuneDarkStalker.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

YouTubes via KitsuneDarkStalker, via the comments of this post. Thanks KitsuneDarkStalker!
DIY Moog Voyager Special

Site Labels

Aliens Project Toy of The Month - Stramp

Title link takes you more info in German, images and some samples.


Roland Juno 106

Title link takes you to shots pulled via this auction.

Note: if you ever consider picking up a Juno 106, be sure to test it or have the seller test it for you, by turning the sub osc down and scaling up and down the keyboard. The 106 is notorious for having bad voice chips. I had one where the bad voice was only obvious when turning the sub osc down. There of course can be other symptoms, but whenever I hear of one with no issues, this always comes to mind.

New Synapse Magazines Online

"Howdy all!

New Synapse Magazines posted featuring all kinds
of electronic musicality and vintage Analog Synths!

And a reminder that there's still time to enter a piece
of your own orignal new music, (only 3-minutes long)
into our annual 2006 Aleatoric Bug Music Contest,

(The deadline for entries is the morning of January 5th,
and there are only (22) entries so far...)

The winner will receive a mighty Cynthia Zeroscillator worth $995.00 as the grand prize! (Hey that could be You!)

Enter Now, and Wish You All a Happy New Year!


Previous Synapse posts

The Drummstick

Percussion MIDI controller. Title link takes you to more info including a video (scroll down when you get there).

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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