MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Anglerfish

Showing posts sorted by date for query Anglerfish. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Anglerfish. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, July 08, 2019

Common Ground Anglerfish & Effect Pedals

Published on Jul 8, 2019 Fahmi M.

"Anglerfish, a 6-voice standalone square wave synth, with playable touch keys, light-sensitive cross-modulation with UV LED indicators, master tilt EQ, and built-in dimmable light control. The Anglerfish can be used to create deep drones, squeaky microsounds and haunting rhythmic explorations with the twist of a knob. Anglerfish is the first self-released DIY Kit by Common Ground, designed by Bridget Ferrill.

In this video, I try to experiment with Anglerfish and effect pedals (eq, filter, reverb)."

KOMA Elektronik Anglerfish

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Common Ground Anglerfish DIY Kit Action!

Published on Mar 26, 2019 KOMA Elektronik

"The new Common Ground Anglerfish in action. Starting off with some additional delay and frequency shifter effects by the KOMA Field Kit FX, towards the end without any effects. Casually narrated by Wouter."

See this post for details.

KOMA Elektronik ANGLERFISH - Common Ground DIY Kit

Published on Mar 26, 2019 KOMA Elektronik

"Anglerfish is a 6 square oscillator noise and dronemaker for experimental and drony sounds! Use the light controls with the built-in LED or use an external torch to modulate the pitch! Drone on! This DIY Kit is suitable for beginner solderers. Anglerfish is the first self-released DIY Kit by Common Ground, designed by Bridget Ferrill.

The Pitch of each oscillator is determined by corresponding potentiometers and the three switches between the oscillators open up light-sensitive connections between adjacent pots. This means both oscillators’ pitches will bend according to the amount of light the photocells receive (LED’s indicate strength of current flowing between the pots) The Tone pot controls a shelf EQ on the master output, with cutoff frequency at 482 HZ and the dangling LED is there for you to use to play the light-sensitive circuit. Adjust the brightness of the LED with the pot next to it. DRONE/KEYS switch chooses between either all 6 voices playing constantly or voices playing only when activated with key. Use 9V center positive PSU."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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