MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for HAGIWO

Showing posts sorted by date for query HAGIWO. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query HAGIWO. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, August 24, 2024

DIY modular synth jam #9 | Practice techno with the Arturia BeatStep Pro

video upload by HAGIWO

"Yeah, I definitely need more practice with playing, but I can't help it because building modules is just so much more fun."

Repository of HAGIWO's DIY Modular Synth

Saturday, July 20, 2024

From Japan to Your Rack : #2 Sdkc Instruments Helical + Addition | Japan's eurorack modular synth

video upload by HAGIWO

"Introduction to a modular synthesizer made by a Japanese garage manufacturer.
Sdkc Instruments Helical

16-voice polyphonic synthesizer with automatic sequence generation.
With stereo output, it can easily create ambient sounds when combined with an FX module.
In Japan, it is becoming a popular module like "Rings to clouds." When combined with a VCF, it is also a versatile module capable of producing acid techno."

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Geo-Gruven from Synthetic Sound Labs

video upload by NOISEBUG

"The 2655 Geo-Gruvn is a six channel, 16 step Euclidean rhythm / gate sequencer for Eurorack modular synths in only 6 HP.

Geo-Gruvn is inspired by the brilliant efforts of Japanese designer Hagiwo, and produced by SSL with kind permission. SSL has also significantly enhanced the hardware and software leading to better performance and improved functionality.

Each of the six output channels allow adjustment of:

Hits – The number of outputs generated, with Euclidean spacing.
Offset – Changes the starting point for the Euclidean sequence.
Length – The number of steps for this channel before resetting.
Mute – Turns on/off all outputs of the selected channel.

A single rotary encoder allows uncomplicated selection of channels and functions with simple visual feedback provided by a bright blue OLED display.

In addition to its extensive Clock / Sequencing related duties, Geo-Gruvn can respond to Clock inputs well into the audio range, making it a convenient 6-channel frequency divider.

A Pattern Memory screen allows non-volatile storage for up to 8 pattern sequences.

The Geo-Gruvn features a bright OLED display, clock and reset inputs, 6 gate / trigger outputs, a rotary encoder for selecting functions, and an eight Pattern non-volatile memory. All inputs and outputs are standard 3.5mm phone jacks with an associated LED panel indicator.

Power is supplied by standard 10 pin Eurorack power header.

Quality, solder-masked, fiberglass-epoxy printed circuit boards and meticulous hand-crafted assembly assure years of trouble-free service."

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Stunning DIY VST Controllers by Craigyb

This one is in via Florian Anwander via the forum.

According to the creator of these controllers, Craigyb:

"So when I was 16 (around 45 years ago) I used to dream of the Arp Quadra. A friend of mine who wasn't a keyboard player, but just wealthy bought one and it was sat in his front room doing nothing unless I could call around after school and have a play on this great synth.

Now I know I could probably afford to buy one, but the wife would kill me quicker than the Russians, so instead I took Cherry Audio's VST of the Quadra and created a physical beast with a PC built in to create sounds.

I then followed that up with a synth that I've never met in real life AFAIK but is also quite legendary, the Elka Synth (again a VST emulation by Cherry Audio).

I'm currently working on the Memory Moog version (MemoryMode by Cherry Audio) and I just need to finish the actual hardware as the software controller is complete."

Further below are a few more creations from Craigyb in a separate thread on the forum here.

"This is a small collection of some of the real synths and accessories I have built over the last 4 years.

Details of most of the schematics and code can be found on my GitHub page

A Roland A110 clone
Rack version of a VA polysynth with extras
A rack version of the MiniDexed
A Dual DCO monosynth based on Hagiwo VCO
6 voice polysynth based on the Polykit
16 voice bitimbral rack mount
FV1 based rack mount effects with memory
Gligli Prophet 600 clone with extras
Mellotron sample playback synth
Source inspired monosynth with memories
8 voice poly again Hagiwo DCO based
A 6 voice VCDCO based poly with memory
Dual XVA1 synths and editor in one keyboard
A MIDI analyzer/converter/injector USB and DIN
Roland MKS30 display upgrade to OLEDs
Arturia CS80v editor/controller
OSC Oscar Clone"

Monday, June 03, 2024

[$11] DIY eurorack modular synth SSI2131 VCO | analog oscillator

video upload by HAGIWO

"My 79th original eurorack modular synth DIY projects.
SSI2131 IC based analog VCO.

working documents (schematics)

Additional information about SSI2131 VCO module

Please support me to continue projects.
In patreon you will find content about my background , technical information."

Thursday, May 09, 2024

Synthetic Sound Labs Announces 2655 Geo-Gruvn EUCLIDEAN EURORACK SEQUENCER

Press release follows:

"SSL’s new 2655 Geo-Gruvn is a six channel, 16 step Euclidean rhythm / gate sequencer for Eurorack modular synths in only 6 HP.

Geo-Gruvn is inspired by the brilliant efforts of Japanese designer Hagiwo, and produced by SSL with kind permission. SSL has also significantly enhanced the hardware and software leading to better performance and improved functionality.

Each of the six output channels allow adjustment of:

Hits – The number of outputs generated, with Euclidean spacing. Offset – Changes the starting point for the Euclidean sequence. Length – The number of steps for this channel before resetting. Mute – Turns on/off all outputs of the selected channel.

A single rotary encoder allows uncomplicated selection of channels and functions with simple visual feedback provided by a bright blue OLED display.

In addition to its extensive Clock / Sequencing related duties, Geo-Gruvn can respond to Clock inputs well into the audio range, making it a convenient 6-channel frequency divider.

A Pattern Memory screen allows non-volatile storage for up to 8 pattern sequences. Page 1 of 5

The Geo-Gruvn features a bright OLED display, clock and reset inputs, 6 gate / trigger outputs, a rotary encoder for selecting functions, and an eight Pattern non-volatile memory. All inputs and outputs are standard 3.5mm phone jacks with an associated LED panel indicator.

Power is supplied by standard 10 pin Eurorack power header.

Quality, solder masked, fiberglass-epoxy printed circuit boards and meticulous hand- crafted assembly assure years of trouble-free service.

Synthetic Sound Labs has been in the analog synthesizer business since 1973. The 2655 Geo-Gruvn is the newest in SSL’s continuing line of outstanding analog synthesizer devices.

Pricing is $179.95 US and is available off-the-shelf from SSL and Distributors Worldwide."

See the dealers on the right for availability.

Sunday, May 05, 2024

[$9] DIY eurorack modular synth opto compressor | vactrol type optical compressor

video upload by HAGIWO

"My 78th original eurorack modular synth DIY projects.
LCD-0203 based opto compressor.

working documents (schematics)

Gerber data download (Envelope follower PCB module)

Please support me to continue projects.
In patreon you will find content about my background , technical information. / hagiwo"

Google translated:

The 78th work of my own modular synth.
One of Eurorack's standard modules is MATHS. One of the uses of MATHS is Envelope follower, but this Envelope follower is difficult to use properly.
I have created an Envelope follower in the past. This time, I decided to create a compressor as one of the application examples of Envelope follower.

Opto compressor
Compressors include VCA and FET as means of compressing audio, but there is also a type called opto compressor that uses Vactrol (analog photocoupler).
Although the responsiveness is poor, we decided to create an opto compressor this time because it can be created inexpensively with few parts.

Product specifications
Eurorack standard 3U 6HP size
Power supply: 20mA (+12V), 20mA (-12V)

opto compressor using Vactrol LCR-0203.
The idea is to use it to increase the sound pressure by compressing the entire MIXed audio, or to change the impression of the sound by compressing a single percussion sound such as KICK.

THRESHOLD: Adjustment of the level at which compression starts.
RATIO: Attenuation rate adjustment. By increasing RATIO, it is possible to compress at a magnification of 1x or less. In other words, the louder the input audio, the lower the output can be.
RELEASE: Adjust the RELEASE TIME of the built-in Envelope follower.
VOLUME: Audio out amplification. Lowering the THRESHOLD lowers the overall volume, so the VOLUME POT compensates for the volume drop.
LED: The more compresson is applied, the brighter the light will light up.
Also used for calibration.
IN: Audio input. It is assumed to be used at Vpp=10V (-5V~+5V).
OUT: Audio out

Production cost
Total about $9
LCR-0203 $1
Front panel $1
Envelope follower module $2
Variable resistance $0.3*4pcs
Others (see link below for general purpose parts)

Friday, April 05, 2024

[$11] DIY eurorack modular synth SSI2140 VCF | 4pole Low Pass Filter

video upload by HAGIWO

"My 77th original eurorack modular synth DIY projects.
4 pole low pass filter based on SSI2140 VCF IC.

working documents (schematics)

Study of SSI2140 Q VCA function (patreon)
Video of waveforms when tuning the resistance of the SSI2140 Q VCA."

Saturday, March 09, 2024

[$25] DIY eurorack modular synth Hard/Soft SYNC VCO with Arduino uno R4 , digital VCO

video upload by HAGIWO

"My 76th original eurorack modular synth DIY projects.
Arduino UNO R4 based digital VCO , it has Hard/Soft SYNC function.
Since the SYNC frequency is controlled by CV, SYNC sound can be created with fewer modules.

working documents ( code & schematics)"

Saturday, February 10, 2024

[Prototype] Arduino UNO R4 synthesizer : modular synth simple VCO

video upload by HAGIWO

"Modular synthesizer VCO. using Arduino uno r4 for technical verification.
Supports V/oct and audio output via built-in DAC.
Since this is a verification circuit, it is not recommended to make a module with this circuit as it is.

working documents ( schematics & code)"

Thursday, January 25, 2024

[$5] DIY eurorack modular synth Dual Slew Limiter

video upload by HAGIWO

"My 74th original eurorack modular synth DIY projects.
Dual Slew limiter , I aimed for simple functionality with few components.

working documents ( schematics)

Please support me to continue projects.
In patreon you will find content about my background , technical information and CAD data."

Description (Google translated):

The 75th work of my own modular synth.
One of the most basic modules of a modular synth is the Slew Limiter. Eurorack's most popular module, Make noise Maths, also has this slew limiter function.

I have also created modules with Slew limter functionality, but since I have never created a Slew limiter itself, I decided to create one.

Product specifications
Eurorack standard 3U 6HP size
Power supply: 15mA (+12V), 15mA (-12V)

Dual Slew Limiter with two types of functions.
Priority is given to low price and fewer parts.

top of module
Slew Limiter allows you to select the slew rate range from three types.
Select 3 types of range with the toggle switch.
L range: Assumed to be used for slow CV such as LFO
M range: Assuming the use of pitch CV portamento
S range: Assumes the use of an audio frequency low-pass filter
Control the slew rate with Pot.

Supports bipolar input.
Since the accuracy of the output voltage with respect to the input voltage is high, it can be used for V/oct pitch CV.

module bottom
Slew Limiter allows you to set Rise and Fall slew rates individually.
It is assumed that ASR envelope generator will be used.

Supports bipolar input.
Due to the circuit, the accuracy of the output voltage with respect to the input voltage is low. The use of V/oct pitch CV is not assumed.

Monday, January 01, 2024

Hagiwo's 9$ DIY Chord VCO v2

[ $9 ] DIY eurorack modular synth CHORD VCO v2 with Seeed XIAO RP2040 | Raspberry pie pico

video upload by HAGIWO

"My 61th original eurorack modular synth DIY projects.
RP2040 based 5 polyphonic CHORD VCO , easy to play chord progression.
Built-in quantizer and autoharmonics.

working documents ( schematics & source code )"

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Outdoor modular synth ambient jam | with new DIY travel case

video upload by HAGIWO

"I DIYed a new case for my modular synth—a travel case made from an attache case. Power is sourced from a USB mobile battery.

I used the Helical by sdkc instruments as the sound source. This module produces exceptional ambient sounds, which I'm quite fond of.

For details on my DIY travel case, please refer to the link. It might not be very helpful as I created it using materials available in Japan.

FX : FX aid by Happy Nerding
Modulation source : Marbles by Mutable instruments
Modulation source : SYNC MOD LFO by Modulove"

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

[$10] DIY eurorack modular synth Bio feedback EMG CV generator | with AD8232 module

video upload by HAGIWO

"My 73rd original eurorack modular synth DIY projects.
Bio feedback CV module. Amplifies surface EMG(ElectroMyoGraphy) and outputs as CV.
Like Instruo SCION, biofeedback is a modular synth expression technique.

working documents ( schematics)

Please support me to continue projects.
In patreon you will find content about my background , technical information and CAD data."

Thursday, November 09, 2023

DIY synth jam #7 with Modulove modules | full DIY eurorack modular synth system

video upload by HAGIWO

"Use 3 Modulove modules."

Not seeing MVMT on their site. A•RYTH•MATIK, SYNC MOD LFO, and SCOPE captured below. Note SCOPE is not featured in the video.


The module runs on an Arduino Nano and can be easily reprogrammed or modded with Arduino IDE

The provided firmware release is a modified version of the Hagiwo Euclidean Sequencer adding support for the added Hardware reset in and LED indicators for each channel as well as the clock.

128*64 OLED Display

Rotary Encoder with PUSH Button

6x Trigger Outputs (0-5V)

Clock Input (0-5V)

50mA (5V) / 50mA (12V)
Arduino IDE (nano)

Saturday, October 07, 2023

[$23] DIY eurorack modular synth DSP Chorus & Reverb FX | with ANALOG DEVICES Blackfin DSP IC

video upload by HAGIWO

"My 72nd original eurorack modular synth DIY projects.
ANALOG DEVICES Blackfin DSP development board based Chorus & Reverb FX module.
Since it uses a development board that is only available in Japan, it may not be of much help.

working documents ( schematics , code)"

Friday, July 21, 2023

[$8] DIY eurorack modular synth V3320 VCF | 4pole low pass filter

video upload by HAGIWO

"My 69th original eurorack modular synth DIY projects.
V3320 based 4pole low pass filter module.
V3320 is second source IC of CEM3320.

working documents ( schematics )

Schematics(PDF),BOM,more pictures

DIY $6 V2044 VCF

0:00 intro
0:15 Low pass filter
1:23 self-oscillation
2:09 create kick sounds
2:35 compare with DIY V2044 VCF
3:15 spec

Please support me to continue projects.
In patreon you will find content about my background , technical information and CAD data.

Repository of HAGIWO's DIY Modular Synth"

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Synth Diy Music

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"Superb Mutant Machines
simple groove synthesizer using two micro controllers synergizing with 32Khz PWM output this is already impressive from the mozzi synthesizer library
thank you very much for reference make synthesizer @HAGIWO @wireheadinstruments @fendoap5655
#synthesizer #diysynth #synthdiy #modularsynth"

Sunday, November 06, 2022

Diy Drum Sample Hagiwo Synthesizer

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"This sample drum module was made with Seeeduino Xiao which processes wav data converted to binary as a sample program that is saved to internal memory, in my scheme I did not attach a trigger switch and bipolar voltage safety because I only used one 9 volt power supply. you can download the schema and the ino program that I'm already using on my google drive
Link :
Caution use a trigger below 3 volts otherwise you will damage it
BOM List
Seeeduino Xiao
IC Dual Opamp MCP6002/LMV358i
Rail to rail single supply
Led White/Red
Knurling Bolt/Flat head screw
SPDT togle switch
Female jack 3,5mm
Female jack 6,5mm
Resistor 33K/20K/10K/100 ohm
Capacitor 22nF
Elco 10uF/1uF
Regulator 78L05
Diode 1N4001
give a patreon donation so that Hagiwo's youtube channel can develop more, thank you
#synthdiy #drumsynth #drumsample #seeeduinoxiao #synthesizer"

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Synth Diy Jamming.

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"System Minimum Micro Controller PWM Audio Digital Analog Converter."

Gear list from this previous post.
Meebleeps FM Synth Diy
Bassline Synth Diy
Bigbutton Sequencer Trigger Diy
Drum Sample Hagiwo Synth Diy

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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