Showing posts sorted by date for query RK008 Menus. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query RK008 Menus. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Saturday, February 10, 2024
A short RK008 Quantize grid example loop
video upload by Retrokits
"Recording realtime gives you complete freedom of playing - but sometimes a quantize grid can help you out, also production- wise.The quantize grid in the RK008 is capable of separately altering note on, note length or note off.
A note-off is part of the groove and you can use the grid options to tighten up sounds but also make the most of a synth with limited polyphony, timing note-offs perfectly before starting a new one.
PS: I'm focusing on the quantize grid here, you can also adapt the length of a note in a percentage of the original which is not shown in this movie. You can check the complete RK008 Quantize menu here:"
RK008 Menus: ALT+6 - QUANTIZE
video upload by Retrokits
"RK008 Menu 6 houses real-time Quantize transformations.
The first part (ALT+6) is for note-on quantize, straightening out played notes on a user-selectable grid:
Digit 1 to 6 select a timebase;
Digit 1 - 2 - 3: 1/64 - 1/32 - 1/16
Digit 4 - 5 - 6: 1/8 - 1/4 - 1/2
Digit 7 - 8 - 9: decrease - 1/16 center - increase
(inc/dec is also accessible via ALT+DEC and ALT+INC)
Tapping a digit multiple times will also allow you do select a dotted or triplet grid For example in case of a 16/th note-on Quantize(3):
1x tap: 1/16
2x tap: 1/16D (dotted, notes are 1.5 times a 16th note)
3x tap: 1/16T (Triplets, notes are 1/3rd length of a 16th note)
Pressing INC will slide to the Swing settings which have the same type of interface, selecting timebases with 1-6 and making adjustments with 7-9.
Pressing INC again will slide to the Note Length Quantize part. In this menu you will be able to quantize the note length to fixed length - or- only quantize note off fixed to a grid.
For example - on the 16th Note Length Quantize (3)
1x tap: 16th length fixed
2x tap: 16th- length staccato (length is cut just before the next 16th note)
3x tap: 16th+ length legato (length will just overlap the next 16th note)
4x tap: Q_16 note off length is snapped to a 16th note grid
5x tap: Q_16- note off length is snapped to a 16th note grid staccato style
6x tap: Q_16+ note off length is snapped to a 16th note grid legato style
The @EspenKraft video mentioned is here:" [posted here]
Thursday, November 30, 2023
video upload by Retrokits
"This menu is for routing the Tracks' MIDI data. Each one of the 8 Tracks on the RK008 can hold MIDI data (notes, pitch, CC's) for 16 MIDI channels at once but via the output menu you can reroute these:
1. MIDI Channel
By default it's set to ORG, meaning that there is no MIDI channel remapping done. Typing a MIDI channel here will reroute incoming MIDI from any channel to the set output channel. This way you can use the RK008 as a handy MIDI switchboard. Just by pressing a Track you can reroute to a predefined MIDI output channel.
2. MIDI Port
MIDI port selects the physical MIDI output to route the MIDI to. You can use the digits 1-3 to select a specific output (OUT1, OUT2 or the RK006 via USB), or press 0 to send to all. By specifying outputs you can potentially drive a whopping 48 channels of MIDI gear.
Read more about the RK008 in the page link below:
Bonus: You can download the little Dopplereffekt / Infophysix .mid file loop which I exported from the RK008 here to play with:"
Friday, October 13, 2023
video upload by Retrokits
"The RK008 Transform menu can be used for transposing Tracks (according to global scale if desired) and Time shifts. Combined with Performance mode (ALT+ROUTE) you can even transpose according to MIDI Key input."
video upload by Retrokits
"Not a big menu, but combined with the others in this row ( TRANSFORM / QUANTIZE) you'll find it a handy one.
The Filter menu modifies per Track MIDI IN and MIDI OUT. It houses a velocity scaler and a filter for MIDI Notes, Control Changes, Program Changes, Aftertouch and Pitchbend. It can change the way you play your keyboard but can also be used (in combination with ALT+3, MIXDOWN) to clean up your recording."
You can find additional RK008 Menus video posts here.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
video upload by Retrokits
"With the Merge menu on the RK008 you can combine multiple Tracks into one Track and render realtime RK008 MIDI effects like quantize, transpose and velocity modifiers.
Of course you can also merge Parts, to merge a Part, just make sure there are no Tracks selected."
Friday, September 15, 2023
video upload by Retrokits
"ALT+2 means COPY: Operations where you can copy, swap and explode your RK-008 recordings.
(PS - I'll try to align the recording with the RK008 buttons next time, the video is not very helpful on led feedback this way...)"
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
video upload by Retrokits
"As of RK008 Firmware 2.0 You can now set a loop point on every individual Track in a Part so here is a little addendum on the ALT+1 tutorial we made earlier. Multiple Track lengths can be accessed by pressing the Track buttons while in the Length menu (ALT+1)
When a Track button is pressed in this menu you can type the Track length in to a quarter-note resolution, or just Shorten/Lengthen the Track with the ALT + ← or → keys.
If you want to set a very fine length for a Track you can go to the StepTime Editor (ALT+MODE) and navigate to any point in time and set/unset a Loop point with Digit 9"
Thursday, February 09, 2023
RK008 Menus: ALT+1 - LENGTH
video upload by Retrokits
"What's under RK008 button number 1??
Part Length, Time Signature, Scales and Part Name editing. In this video I'll show you a thing or two - or.. ehr maybe seven.
Note that the Flex MIDI Time Stretch and Thin Track / Zap Double Notes are RK008 firmware 1.17+ additions."
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