Saturday, January 27, 2007

Sequential Circuits Prophet 10

Title link takes you to shots pulled via this auction.

Details on this one:
"Here is a rare opportunity to own a legendary Sequential Circuits Prophet 10 in excellent condition. Analogue synths don’t come any better than this double manual beauty. The Prophet 10 is probably the fattest sounding analogue synth ever made and is effectively two Prophet 5’s stacked which can be played separately or simultaneously or even in unison mode to give 20 stunning VCO’s playing together for amazing synth lead sounds. The Prophet 10 can store 64 programmes (32 for each manual). In addition to the Prophet 5, the Prophet 10 has an EQ section, again programmable. Another really neat feature is an LED display which shows which of the oscillators is being used at any time.

This Prophet 10 has been cherished and has recently had new operating system chips (yes, you can still purchase them) and a new power supply fitted. It also has factory fitted midi. Also included is the diagnostic chipset and full technical manual (copy) purchased from Wine Country Sequential and an operating manual (copy)."

"I have had several questions regarding the Revision number. Mine is a Rev 0. There were 2 double manual Prophet 10 revisions - Rev 0 and Rev 1 (I don't know why they were given those Revision numbers). The Rev 1 was the final revision. The Rev 0 has the wafer drive storage for the 2,500 note sequencer - I don't have any wafer disks. The Rev 1 had a 10,200 note sequencer with tape drive. The only other difference was that the Rev 0's were shipped with a memory loss propblem which required a modification called the "ugly mod". Rev 1's were shipped with this modification. My Rev 0 has had the modification and has no problems with memory loss. If anyone has any questions, please contact me and I will arrange to contact via telephone to ensure questions are answered fully."

via Failed Muso

Oberheim Matrix-1000 with Access Programmer

Title link takes you to shots pulled via this auction

Buchla NAMM 2007 Video

Title link takes you to the video on Sonic State. This is one of the better NAMM videos I have seen. It's fascinating from a true synthesist's perspective. This is a video for those of us who enjoy programming synths as much as simply playing them. You have to be into programming synths to really appreciate this one. What fascinated me was how much I was absorbed by the video only to realize virtually no music was played. Amazing. You can watch NAMM video after NAMM video of chords and melodies, and then you find something like this. For me, this is the gem of all NAMM videos I've seen so far. But then, that's just me...

On the other end of the spectrum, be sure to watch this.

Friday, January 26, 2007

EMS Synthi Users Manual

Title link takes you to the manual on EMS Sythi.

Modded Jen SX1000

Jen SX1000 modded with sub-OSC. Title link takes you to more info and samples on benthack.

Previous posts

Keith Emerson Strokes his MOOG

Someone ought to hook up Keith with Miss K. Apologies to those I offend. : ) It is a Friday...

What the Future Sounded Like

Via Ross: "Adelaide Australia will show a world premier short film about the
history of the mighty EMS VCS3 in March 2007."

Title link takes you there.

"Post-war Britain was a period of intense scientific and industrial experimentation where art participated in, and reflected, wider social change. Out of this context came Electronic Music Studios (EMS), a radical group of avant-garde electronic musicians who composed a futuristic soundscape for the New Britain. Comprising of pioneering electronic musicians Tristram Cary (famed for his work on Dr Who) and Peter Zinovieff, EMS was one of the world's most advanced computer-music facilities. Its great legacy is the VCS3, Britain’s first synthesizer and rival of the American Moog. The VCS3 was a uniquely British invention, which changed the sounds of popular musicians including Brian Eno, Hawkwind and Pink Floyd. Almost thirty years on, the VCS3 is still used by electronic artists like Aphex Twin and Chicken Lips. Local filmmakers Matthew Bate and Claire Harris uncover a lost chapter in music history, emphasising a group of composers who used technology to re-think the boundaries of music and sound.

Matthew Bate, Claire Harris and Tristram Cary are Guests of the Festival"

Serge TKB

This one via Ross. Title link takes you to one more image.

Buchla Milton and Touch Plate

No title link. Just the shot sent my way via Reed.

Plan B Touch Keyboard Coming This Year

Via Peter Grenader on the Plan B list:

"The Model 21 is slated to have a complementry touch keyboard sometime after it's release. There will only be one type produced - geared toward 16 keys, so it's best suited for the Venti.

The thoughplate will be a single rack width high unit which will come in two flavors - with or without rack ears. On it will be 16 touchplates, an internal connection to the Venti's VC direction input, a duplicate external direction input so one does not lose that functionality, pressure out, linear voltage out (sixteen equal divisions of ground to 8 volts - so a 1/2 volt increment per key) and gate out. If there's rtoom, this is wherethe veertical sequencing will also be housed.

OK< so what ever happened to symmetrry?

If you happen to use two rows of rack mounted EUro and don't want the MIUlton touchkeys wo send one rack and inch anf three quarters wack form the other, simultanious to it's release will be a one rack unit high multiple gang - all the mults you could ever dream of. By using both, then your adcecent cabinets will; linw up as they should.

when is this all going to happen?

this year.

We've got five modules to release in short time: The M's 16, 25, 26, 27 and Miltons. Once that occurs, the touchplates are next in the development pipe, along with the release and completion of the M18 and M23 ASR.

Sorry for the delay on these things. Only two guys here, orders to fill, disrupting daily group Starbucks runs to make (my fault), not to mention Tim's periodic defibulation requirements due to his Monster and Rockstart cold beverage usage.

...Just kidding about Tim. That's not fair. (He usually doesn't require the pads).

toodles -

- P"

Thanks to ross healy for reminding me to put this up.

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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