MATRIXSYNTH: Sonoric Instruments

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Sonoric Instruments

Interesting. Title link takes you there. There are samples and some images. Note the site is still under construction and is missing a bit of content. This is your first look at what might be coming from them.

Update: According to this post on Sonic State, the Sonoric synths might actually be based on the Anadigm chipset. You might remember this post on Anadigm using the Andromeda A6 in there graphics as well as this one on Retro Thing speculating how Anadigm chips could be used in a low cost Polymoog.

Some notes from the thread:
"It's a synth that was built with a analog modular synth in mind for the first time, controlled digitally by software on a PC. In time, he realized that for start it would be better to have "scenes", rather than making it completly modular. I don't think he droped the idea, but right now he will make some default "scenes", this means that if you need for example Korg MS10 or 20 architecture you can have it. Or maybe Arp 2600, or Minimoog, or anything...I don't know what it would be, really. Of course it will not sound exactly like the original, but at least it will sound analog, not like a digital emulation. As you can easily hear on the website it's really fat. Or phat;) The cool thing is that the character of the filter can be changed from software.

The oscillators and multimode filters are analogue, the modulations digital (lfo's, env's). You can have a lot of filters and oscillators. 16 if I remember well. "


  1. hi there, niece you put the info on your blog.....
    cris (sonoric)

  2. No problem! Can't wait to see how this turns out. It sounds increadibly powerful. Thanks for dropping by! :)



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