MATRIXSYNTH: Boehm Sound Lab

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Boehm Sound Lab

Nice shot of the Boehm Soundlab send my way via Nick. Title link takes you to a bigger shot.

More on Boehm on

Update: make sure to check out the comments.


  1. My dream synth.

  2. better link to
    thats the old info..

  3. ooh that is nice. bananas. mmmm. so tasty.

  4. My friend got 2 soundlabs and runs a soundlab page.

  5. Hello,
    Being the owner of the pictured synth and the one who took the picture, I have to say that I could have sent a better picture.
    Also, in Kevin Lightner's Synhfool site you can find a picture of my Soundlab together with my cats -I'm happy to see many pictures of cats and synths here in the blog!
    As for the Soundlab, it's very rare and it's rumored that only 250 were made - the Boehm company were destroyed by a fire back then in 1985 and it was difficult and useless to start the production again as one can imagine: there was no interest anymore in modular synths, in the DX7 era. The company had in production an 8-bit sampler module (the DSM) and had plans for a computer interface module and software (compatible with commodore 64 according with the original brochure).The only Soundlab known to me with the DSM, is the british electronic band Rogue Element. Every Soundlab owner dreaming about havin a DSM module -imagine the interesting experiments with samples and modulations!

  6. Oh, I should have written "belongs to the british electronic band Rogue Element"

  7. I've got two Soundlabs! :) including a book Die Klangwelt des Musiksynthesizers. This book is written by Bernd Enders.. inventor of the Soundlab and this book describes music synthesis with examples with Soundlabs! :)
    The book also contains patchsheets and pictures of frontpanels which never made it, like schmitt-trigger module, mixers, VLFOs and envelope followers.

    The Co-developer Oliver Klegg contacted me and still has the prototype. I really want a picture of that prototype, but the email seems to be dead.

    He was also asking me about the Ringmodulator. He was not sure it was working in the first models. I've no problem with them.


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