MATRIXSYNTH: Waldorf Wave Demo

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Waldorf Wave Demo

Click here for Paris Open Sky's music page. You will find a list of tracks. The last one titled "risong 2 min DEMO," features the Waldorf Wave: "I remembered ppl asking how the wave sounded. I have just uploaded a 2 minute demo of my new trance composition which extensively makes use of my 32V wave. It is still a rough mix but the beginning is almost exclusively WAVE and shows the large stereo image of the synth very well. maybe some will now understand why I think that it is an extraordinary instrument."

Crimson Wave pictured.


  1. That sounds way better to me than the other waldorf's I've heard.

    I know I'll get all beat up over this, but most Waldorf's to me have sounded like really weak first generation plugins.

  2. Here is a more digital example how the WAVE can sound: no external FX or processing.

    To Doktor Future: Make sure to listen to the original MicroWave and the Pulse or the Q+


  3. > That sounds way better to me than the other waldorf's I've heard.

    That's because it has real analog (well, CEM at least) filters. A Microwave 1 is definetly on my "must buy soon" list.


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