Thursday, March 15, 2007


flickr by synx508

Oberheim Matrix-6r


  1. shreeeek!
    I like cats. I have 3. I've fostered more than 6 others. BUT! They are NOT getting anywhere near my gear or my studio. In fact my 3 cats know not to go in daddy's room. They learned really fast because I taught them as kittens. If they even get near the door if it is opened they give me that sideways look becuase they know it's a no no.
    No cat hair and cat claws anywhere near my stuff. That picture freaks me out. You buy a matrix6 and then let your cat walk all over it?

  2. Cat goes in the cat box, paws go in the sand.
    Cat crap in the sand.
    Our cat crap.

    Farewell and adieu to your Xpander, fair Spanish ladies..

  3. claws puncture membrane switches

    my cat likes to rub his cheeks on the wood side panels of my synths - marking his territory.

  4. I might sound a little over the top but seriously in my house I like to keep my gear clean - I enjoy keeping things nice. Also for resale value condition really matters. Everyone in my house knows, the cats, the girlfriend, everyone's careful in the studio. If one of the cats decides to be daring and starts sniffing around at the door it's like a fire drill I bolt over there tell em no no..

  5. The cat got to this before I'd even got it out of the ebay seller's box. I'll be cleaning it up next, should eliminate any toxoplasmosis concerns!
    I confess I was a bit concerned by the possibility of her claws puncturing the front panel. Trying to keep that cat away from my gear seems a bit harsh as she loves synths. The other cat bit through the power cable for my laptop the other week... Cats! My worst cat-synth moment was when the pictured cat decided to play my MC-202 while both were balanced on a narrow shelf.

  6. Why not let the cat walk on the matrix6? They are cheaper than a night out drinking, so no worries. ;) One of our local pawn shops had one not to long ago for $35.

  7. i have to admit, I've bought synths off ebay and played with them for a few weeks then opened the case up and rubbed my cat all over them. I then often sell them within the next few days and the next guy has to deal with the evil hair i put inside! muhahahahah

  8. Synths and animals do not mix. Period. Enough with the cat photos. Please.

  9. cats and synths go way back. look at wendy carolo's studio pics. she lets hers sleep on her synclavier and moog system 55

  10. Mind at your business.That's HIS cat and HIS matrix..
    I prefere to have a pig on my minimoog to a synth asceptic geek like you


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