MATRIXSYNTH: Synthorama - ARP and EML Room

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Synthorama - ARP and EML Room

As mentioned in these prior posts, I was fortunate enough to visit Synthorama, the synthesizer museum in Switzerland. Each room in the museum has a theme based on manufacturer, and the majority of synthesizers are playable including this ARP 2500. You can find images of the ARP and EML room here. As always be sure to check out the images full size by clicking on the "All Sizes" link when you get there, and check out prior posts by click on the synthorama label below. Apologies for some of the blurry shots, but as I said before I decided to put them all up.

Update: some info on the lone module from Martin: "This ARP module is very rare I think. It is a prototype of an early digital sequencer. I bought it from the Museum of Synthesizers in England, which does not more exist. I don't know if it works because I don't know how I have to connect. This is the reason that I don't have mounted it in the 2500 itself."


  1. ga-ga!!!
    Amazing pix of the 2500!
    ...thanx Matrix!

  2. What's the digital-looking 2500 module sitting on the top of the cabinet in this picture?

  3. I checked with Martin. See the update in the bottom of the post for some more info.


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