MATRIXSYNTH: Muzik 4 Machines Live 08-21-08 part 4

Friday, August 22, 2008

Muzik 4 Machines Live 08-21-08 part 4

YouTube via muzik4machines. via muzik4machines in the comments of this post.
"i taped a new version of it. towards the middle of the clip (part 4/4 of a set)"
Umm.. what's with the hammer about :53 seconds in? :) You should be able to play the other clips by mousing over the thumbnails at the bottom of this video when over.


  1. the joys of 20+ years old hardware, this MKS i got for really cheap because when it's cold there is some kind of weird contact that makes the output about a gazillion dB louder thus distorting all the chain like hell(and sometimes just garblng to noise(see live test 2 part 4 at the end, the MKS crapped out)) and usually a simple tap on the bottom plate vis-a-vis the LCD solves this, but as it's racked I need to hit the bottom casing of the rack to shake the MKS
    (wow that was a long sentence)

    i had it checked and the 2 repairman that checked it found nothing, and like everytime you want to show a problem to a tech, it didn't do it, and the boards inside looke all clean, the traces are all conducting, etc

    so that was what was with the hammer

  2. worse part is, it wasn't the problem at this exact time lol
    silly me

  3. Interesting. I have a Yamaha TX81Z doing the same thing although it just started when it got hotter. I have to get it checked out.

  4. i suspect a cold solder joint somewhere, but it's really hard to identify, plus, I learned to live with it, it just sucks when it happens during a song rather than in between when the fader is down.

    BTW, check my channel probably late in the night, i'll do another set, pretty sure i'll use SLTS in the gig, it's too funny to play, so t'll be another version

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. tried myself at another remix, from a classic, almost cult song where i'm from
    still pondering if I should do it live or keep it for a single/remix/album


    another live attempt at destroying smells like teen spirit, this part 2 of a 45 minutes set)


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