MATRIXSYNTH: NUSofting DaHornet Demonstration: This One Might Sting Ya!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

NUSofting DaHornet Demonstration: This One Might Sting Ya!

YouTube via gearwire
"Can a NUSofting DaHornet software synth come close to the sound of the original EDP Wasp? That's what Bill Holland aims to find out in this demo while wearing a beard made of bees (off-screen).

According to Bill, it's not too far off, but watch this video and listen for yourself. There's been some buzz about this virtual synthesizer, but maybe that's just due to the bee fever sweeping the Gearwire office.

See more on"

1 comment:

  1. Talk about synchronicity: I just found my copy of DaHornet on an old drive and installed it yesterday! I forgot how much I loved that synth!


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