MATRIXSYNTH: Mr clacks Synthesizer extravaganza

Friday, January 09, 2009

Mr clacks Synthesizer extravaganza

via Mr Clack on this thread where you'll find pdfs of the screen prints for the panels and cases as well as some follow-up comments.

"Baby baby ive been busy,

Here is 3 synthesizers I Finally got round to putting together in the last 3 months. I put them in my fine art degree show so I got to get some good snaps of them.

left to right [top down]

Dual MFOS Soundlab and Keyboard
with S+H and Drum trigger
the mixers can take all 4 of the available oscillators

ASM-2 semi-modular
without patching the left side is 2 saws to state variable then vca
right 2 squares to LP moog then VCA

Built to act like a traditional subtractive modular. stupidly dense ( it needs to be due to lack of bedroom space ) trying to fit a sort of bank of well know filters thats , polivoks, steiner, arp, moog, korg ms20, korg resonator, ems, wasp etc - 6 YU vco's and some unusual modules like fritz chaos , tube vca, S+H/T+H, attenuverter, Noise cornicopia . with a little vca bank, it should be possible to get about 5 voices going at once. the mixers are not yet on it ( they go in the 1 u strips ) . 2xfritz AR 2xMFOS AR 1xYUADSR 1xMFOS ADSR - the mfos AR has repeat so it should double up as a sort of trapezoid LFO. It should be possible when its complete to do some FM experiments too"

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