MATRIXSYNTH: Keith Emerson on KORG OASYS and Moog's Waves of Inspiration Opening

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Keith Emerson on KORG OASYS and Moog's Waves of Inspiration Opening

This one in via Josh of Big City Music who reminds us Keith will be playing at the upcoming Moog Museum Waves of Inspiration opening today!

"The opening weekend (August 29 -31) will kick off with a launch of the Moog exhibition featuring an intimate musical performances by Keith Emerson and Erik Norlander and talks by Larry Fast and Brian Kehew."

via the Museum of Making Music.
"On August 29 at 6 PM, the public is invited to view the new exhibition "Waves of Inspiration: The Legacy of Moog," and enjoy the music of The Volt Per Octaves during a wine & cheese reception. Following the reception, the museum presents a demonstration with Keith Emerson and music by Erik Norlander. Emerson, the personification of the Moog legacy and maverick of the Moog synthesizer, will demonstrate his “Monster Moog” modular system. Norlander is a prolific artist who pushes the Moog tradition into the future with an evocative synthesizer technique. His perpetual live use of vintage instruments—Moog synthesizers in particular—give his performances a depth of sound seldom seen. Don't miss this memorable evening!

Click to learn more about the special exhibition"


  1. It's to the point where Emerson doesn't even play music anymore; it's just a bunch of (seemingly) random notes.

    "Simplicity is genius" - Albert Einstein

  2. Someone should probably tell him that his hands are forming the semaphore for "I'm not wearing pants right now", though.

  3. Wow!!!!! He used the Korg OASYS to play - a piano sound???!!! Could you under utilize a keyboard any more than that? I did hear some string sounds here and there too....

  4. WTF???? I can churn out melodies more interesting whacking keys with my c0ck.... And +1/LOL @ Oasis being used piano/string patch....

    I want 2 mins of my life back plz.


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