MATRIXSYNTH: iPad (and Smule)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

iPad (and Smule)

Three music apps in this video presented by Smule co-founder Dr. Ge Wang.

Their upcoming Magic Piano [see this post], and Ocarina [albeit the iPhone version].

Realize this is behind doors at an Apple store for a private screening for ABC news about the iPad in general, and the one showing the demos is the creator of probably the most popular music (synth based) apps for the iPhone. Smule sent in videos to post here on MATRIXSYNTH before their fist apps took off.

Here's one for Ocarina from Dec 2008 and one for Sonic Vox from Oct of 08. It's pretty cool seeing them get the spotlight here.

Smule on iTunes Magic Piano on iTunes

The first app, or rather book I plan to pick up? It's not a synth, it's this. Be sure to see Boing Boing's review on the iPad here and the 3:47 mark in the video below [the Marvel comics app will probably be second - see 3:37 below - I've always wanted to re-read X-Man 94 on]. Also be sure to see this post and poll when the iPad was first announced. It's an interesting look back and it will just get more interesting over time.

PCMag: Apple iPad video review from Reviews on Vimeo.

"PCMag's Tim Gideon takes an in-depth look at Apple's first tablet, the iPad, prior to the April 3rd launch. Check out iWork, Maps, iBooks, and other apps and read the full review at"

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