MATRIXSYNTH: [iPhone Beats] Technobox

Thursday, March 25, 2010

[iPhone Beats] Technobox

YouTube via siedgey

"Thanks for watching!

Here's a wee track I made this morning in bed! Ah...the joys of technology. The app is called Technobox and features emulators of a TB-303, and a switchable TR-808 / 909. The latest update also includes various effects.

Of course, this is just a wee noodle but I reckon you could probably make something pretty decent if you put your mind to it! I've used the bit crusher effect on the 303 here, hence why it sounds really crunchy - without any effects the 303 reproduction is none too shabby for a phone!



Technobox on iTunes: technoBox (303 808 909 studio)

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