MATRIXSYNTH: protodeck first demo

Sunday, April 25, 2010

protodeck first demo

protodeck first demo from Julien Bayle on Vimeo.

"this is the very first demo video of my own MIDI controller for Ableton Live

this has to be watched fullscreen in HD!
- sorry about some bitrate compression artifacts... all is sync, nice, pretty in the real world!
- sorry for the blinking-like blue leds. they don't blink anymore, but the DV cam is ugly here so...

for watching it live, I'll make workshops + music live perf
for further informations:
(thanks to Denis for framing/advising etc)"

Not to be confused with the Monodeck.

1 comment:

  1. I had the opportunity of making an interview of Julien Bayle. He's defenitly a Music pioneer...


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