Showing posts with label Protodeck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Protodeck. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Protodeck DIY MIDI Controller very first demo

YouTube Published on Aug 15, 2012 by Julien Bayle

Official Protodeck page:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

In/Out 2011: Digital Performance Festival

"In/Out Fest is an annual festival that features leading performers, developers, artists, and tinkerers of the digital design community. With the hope of bridging the gap between the forum based world and the stage, the festival seeks to bring digitally driven performances into the limelight with two full days of workshops and performances.

We invite programmers, visualists, hardware hackers, electronics gurus, musicians, novices, and the curious to take part in the events of In/Out. From inspiring performances and workshops to encourage others to join in the fray, this is not only the time for those interested in the constantly changing field of digital media to get involved, but for current members of the community to step up their game as well.

Visit In/Out's website at:
Videos of past years performances can be found at:
Photographs can be viewed at:

This years In/Out Fest will take place in late September/early October. Dates and venue will be announced shortly. Check for up to date details and information.

In/Out is searching for musicians, visualists, dancers, and performers who have integrated digital technologies into their work. From building custom controllers or software to the users of new technology, we want it! Submit a brief description of your performance along with a sample of your work.

All written materials must be in PDF format. Also, if available, please include hyperlinks to all multi-media materials (ie: videos of performances, demos, audio samples, etc...)

Workshops + Lectures
Help motivate the vanguard by leading a workshop in new media for audio/video performance. Past workshops have included: working in Jitter and Reaktor, building soft circuits, code driven music composition with Processing, lecture on glitch and it's use in art, how to run an open source business, and more. In/Out is especially interested in hands on, kit based, and introductory workshops. Please submit a brief description of what you would like to teach or share, along with any work you have done, are doing, or will do in the field.
All written materials must be in PDF format. Also, if available, please include hyperlinks to all multi-media materials (ie: videos of performances, demos, instructionals, etc...)

Deadline for proposals: July 25, 2011
All submissions can be sent to:"

Check out the Protodeck here.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

protodeck first demo

protodeck first demo from Julien Bayle on Vimeo.

"this is the very first demo video of my own MIDI controller for Ableton Live

this has to be watched fullscreen in HD!
- sorry about some bitrate compression artifacts... all is sync, nice, pretty in the real world!
- sorry for the blinking-like blue leds. they don't blink anymore, but the DV cam is ugly here so...

for watching it live, I'll make workshops + music live perf
for further informations:
(thanks to Denis for framing/advising etc)"

Not to be confused with the Monodeck.

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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