MATRIXSYNTH: sync thing in a gameboy (two gameboy sync)

Friday, May 28, 2010

sync thing in a gameboy (two gameboy sync)

YouTube via RustyNex — May 28, 2010 — "this is a gameboy i built for a customer, i was a be reluctant to build it as it uses my sync thing which isn't fully developed yet. but the results were better than i had expected. this video shows how the system can be synced with another gameboy and pass its effects onto that gameboy as well. this is running as master

the gameboy was very difficult to build, i was designing it as i built it because the sync thing wasn't finished yet and so i had to add bits as i built it to make it work and i was running out of room. in the end i had to loose the headphone jack and internal speaker"

sync thing in a gameboy (self pitch sync 2)

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