MATRIXSYNTH: TERMINALBEACH: The Heart Chamber Orchestra, Biofeedback Performance, From 2006

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

TERMINALBEACH: The Heart Chamber Orchestra, Biofeedback Performance, From 2006

YouTube via MediaArtTube — May 18, 2010

"The Heart Chamber Orchestra - HCO - is an audiovisual performance. The orchestra consists of 12 classical musicians and the artist duo TERMINALBEACH.
Using their heartbeats, the musicians control a computer composition and visualization environment. The musical score is generated in real time by the heartbeats of the musicians. They read and play this score from a computer screen placed in front of them.
HCO forms a structure where music literally "comes from the heart".
The debut performance of HCO was in Trondheim/Norway in October 2006, during the festival for electronic arts and new technology, Trondheim Matchmaking. The orchestra was the Trondheim Synfonietta
The musicians are equipped with ECG (electrocardiogram) sensors. A computer monitors and analyzes the state of these 12 hearts in real time. The acquired information is used to compose a musical score with the aid of computer software. It is a living score dependent on the state of the hearts.

While the musicians are playing, their heartbeats influence and change the composition and vice versa. The musicians and the electronic composition are linked via the hearts in a circular motion, a feedback structure. The emerging music evolves entirely during the performance.The resulting music is the expression of this process and of an organism forming itself from the circular interplay of the individual musicians and the machine.

A project by TERMINALBEACH initiated and produced by TEKS - Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre in cooperation with TRONDHEIM SINFONIETTA
supported by:
Norsk Kulturrad // Trondheim Kommune // Sor Trondelag Fylkeskommune
Fond for lyd og bilde // PNEK // Atelier Nord
More info:"

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