MATRIXSYNTH: The Packrat November 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Packrat November 2010
(click for more episodes)

"Why YouTube isn't always the most reliable resource."

click the pic to read.

vids [penquin was random]:

Update: the last image of YouTube in the browser, is actually Dave's (creator of The Packrat) 80's Medley added below.

YouTube via drewtoothpaste | March 18, 2007

"Hello. I am Doctor Synthesizer. I will teach you to use and interact with any synthesizer. You can find over 1,700 comics I've drawn at ." Ronald Jenkees -

Throwing Fire

YouTube via ronaldjenkees | August 05, 2008

"Throwing Fire is on my 2nd CD, Disorganized Fun: SUPER FUN TIME WITH THIS JAM!!!! Thanks a lot for watching! Hope you liked it. Kindof a rough cut, but it's always fun. This video is dedicated to the band Papa Roach for letting me check out their studio and giving me a place to stay in LA. Those are some hard-working rockers and good guys. I got cold chills listening to the songs they're working on for their new album. I think it's coming out really soon. My friend Sam gave me the hat I'm wearing in this vid. It's made of 100% recycled material. Can't beat that. Here's their site: I'm using FL Studio software to make the beat in the background and a Korg Triton Le keyboard on top, Motif XS8 on bottom."

1980s Keyboard Solo Medley

YouTube via hamsterdunce | February 21, 2007

"All (or at least most) of your favorite cheesy keyboard solos wrapped up in one medley. Sorry about the jacket."


  1. Most controversial movie on the net? I thought it was just cheesy. (...and I like all the artists in it.)

  2. Playing samples on a TB-303 without CV cords attached, quite authentic. Still this is a classic!


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