MATRIXSYNTH: Free Weekly Ableton Live Rack #10: Broken Bells Rack

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Free Weekly Ableton Live Rack #10: Broken Bells Rack

YouTube Uploaded by AfroDjMac on May 31, 2011

"Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Bells... This rack is a sample of two xylophones, they can be played in unison or separately. Layered underneath those samples are reversed xylophone samples, so when you play, the normal xylophone sounds then reversed ones echo back.

Download the Live set here:
it includes two versions, one with Sampler and one with Simpler.

*Non Live Users: The actual samples are included and can be imported into your DAW of choice. Instructions on how to do so are included in the download. On this collection, the samples go from notes A,B,C,D,E,F,G,A for three octaves*

Every week I put out a free Ableton Rack/Sample Pack, so subscribe and Social Network me.


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