MATRIXSYNTH: How to Edit Mass Parameters in TouchOSC

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to Edit Mass Parameters in TouchOSC

If you remember my FS1R TouchOSC editor post from yesterday, I mentioned that it would be a while before I completed it due to the sheer number of pages and parameters that needed to be manually edited. You can copy and paste a page in the TouchOSC Editor, but then you have to click on every single control and edit. I wished there was an easier way to simply copy and replace. Well... It turns out there is!!! Hans of The Missing Link came to the rescue via a tip from control_man here. Apparently TouchOSC files are XML files and can be edited as follows:

1. add a .zip extension to the TouchOSC template filename
2. unzip - this will give you index.xml
3. edit index.xml
4. zip index.xml into an archive
5. change filename + extension of to templatename.touchosc

Note that Touch OSC requires a unique name for each control (click the above image so see - BTW, that is the very start of my FS1R editor), so I did the following to make it easier:

1. I created blank pages in my template for those I wanted to duplicate in the TouchOSC editor itself
2. I opened the template in XCode
3. I grabbed the chunk between the Page tags for the page I wanted to duplicate
4. I pasted that into TextEdit
5. I did a search and replace all for name=” with name=“0
6. I did a search and replace all for the hex values I wanted to change, in my case 0x60 0x02 to 0x60 0x03
7. I did a control all and pasted it into the first new blank page in XCode
8. I repeated steps 5-7 for each page substituting name=” with name=“1 0x60 0x02 to 0x60 0x04 and so on.

I was able to create five new pages pictured to the left in under ten minutes. This is literally going to save me days worth of work.

Thank you Hans!!!

Note this is also being covered in the hexler forum here.

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