AUDIO VIDEO DEMONSTRATION (starting at 01:42 in the video above):
- Send Program Change (PC) 42
- Listen to Program 42
- Request Program 42 to editor
- Edit Program 42 (in the synth buffer)
- Press Transform Buffer, then Press Request Buffer to record it in your DAW / SYSEX librarian; or save it manually in the synth

- Display parameter Name and Value
- Double click a slider or button to reset it to a default value
- MIDI data rate efficient: only sends a MIDI message if the parameter value is incremented or decremented by 1
- (115) Program parameters implemented in the editor using SYSEX. Program parameters are bidirectional
- (14) Panel Buttons / MIDI / Normal Pages parameters implemented in the editor using SYSEX
- MIDI Channel + Program (change) selection slider + buttons
- Buffer Request, Buffer Init, Buffer Transform buttons using SYSEX
WORKFLOW 1 (starting at 00:05 in the video above):
- Select a Program
- Press Buffer Request to load it to the editor
- Start editing (the loaded patch) on the editor (the Patch is edited in the synth buffer)
- Press Transform Buffer, then Request Buffer to record it in your DAW / SYSEX librarian; or save it manually in the synth
WORKFLOW 2 (starting at 01:04 in the video above):
- Press Buffer Init to send an init patch to the synth buffer
- Start editing (the init patch) on the editor (the Patch is edited in the synth buffer)
- Press Transform Buffer, then Press Request Buffer to record it in your DAW / SYSEX librarian; or save it manually in the synth