MATRIXSYNTH: Roland / Studio Electronics SE-02 TouchOSC Bidirectional Editor v4.0

Monday, August 28, 2023

Roland / Studio Electronics SE-02 TouchOSC Bidirectional Editor v4.0

Roland / Studio Electronics SE-02 TouchOSC Bidirectional Editor v4.0 from synth_nyc on Vimeo.

Audio demo comes in at 1:41.

- Display parameter Name and Value
- Double click a slider or button to reset it to a default value
- MIDI data rate efficient: only sends a MIDI message if the parameter value is incremented or decremented by 1

- All Patch parameters implemented in the editor. Patch parameters are bidirectional
- MIDI channel selection slider
- Bank (change) + Program (change) selection buttons
- Request Patch, Init Patch, Write Patch buttons
- Vintage Mode
+ Mode switch: On, Off
+ Voices switch: All = all voices (1 to n) are affected with the same drift amount, Discreet = voices 2 to 5 are randomly affected with the same drift amount
+ Factor slider: drift parameters from +/-1 to +/-10 CC values
+ Spread slider: drift parameters randomly every [2..12s]s to [2..102]s
+ Drift buttons (12x): drift specific parameters: VCO 2 Oscillator Frequency Fine, VCO 3 Oscillator Frequency Fine, VCA Envelop Attack, VCA Envelop Decay, VCA Envelop Sustain, VCF Feedback, VCF Cutoff Frequency, VCF Resonance, VCF Envelop Amount, VCF Envelop Attack, VCF Envelop Decay, VCF Envelop Sustain

WORKFLOW 1 (starting at 00:05 in the video above):
- Select a Bank & Program
- Press Request to load it to the editor
- Start editing (the loaded patch) on the editor (the Patch is edited in the synth buffer)
- Select a Bank & Program (optional if you are editing the User bank)
- Press Write to save it to the synth

WORKFLOW 2 (starting at 00:50 in the video above):
- Select a Bank & Program
- Press Init to save an init patch to the synth
- Start editing (the init patch) on the editor (the Patch is edited in the synth buffer)
- Select a Bank & Program (optional if you are editing the User bank)
- Press Write to save it to the synth 

AUDIO VIDEO DEMONSTRATION (starting at 01:40 in the video above):
- Listen to A2 factory patch
- Send A1 Program Change (PC)
- Listen to A1 factory patch “Inbound”
- Request A1 factory patch to editor
- Edit A1 factory patch (in the SE-02 buffer)
- Name this new patch “Inbound 3”
- Send U1 PC
- Write edited patch “Inbound 3” in U1
- Send U2 PC
- Write Init Patch in U2
- Listen to U2 Init Patch
- Request U2 to the editor (just to wipe the previous patch)
- Send U1 PC to reload (in the SE-2) “Inbound 3”
- Request U1 to the editor, to demonstrate that it's the exact same patch as edited a minute ago
- Listen to U1, to demonstrate that it's the exact same patch as edited / saved a minute ago. 

VINTAGE MODE / DUO-PHONIC DEMONSTRATION (starting at 03:50 in the video above):
- Turn Vintage Mode On
- Turn Drift O2 On
- Change Voices to Discreet (only Voice 2 is drifted)
- Increase Factor and Spread for a more dramatic effect
- Turn Drift O2 Off
- Change Voices to All (to drift Voice 1 and Voice 2)
- Increase Factor and Spread
- Turn Drift Cutoff, Env, VCF Decay and VCA Decay On
- Increase Factor
- Change Voices to Discreet (only Voice 2 is drifted)
- Change Voices to All (to drift Voice 1 and Voice 2)
- Turn Vintage Mode Off (no drift)

- FR: CC command to Auto Tune
- FR: CC command to Tune (all VCOs)

- If Roland / Studio Electronics or anyone has some questions or interest in licensing the editor, please contact me via my website:


  1. Slight problem here. This entry seems to imply that Touch OSC editor is product of Synth_NYC, but Synth_NYC only produce patch sets. Touch OSC is a product of Hexler, Ltd. a completely separate company. This is more than a simple typographical error in that the video embedded text implies that Touch OSC is a product of Synth_NYC, which, contrarily, appears nowhere in their web site. Neither does Hexler web site mention any affiliation with Synth_NYC. Unless Synth_NYC have come to secretly own Hexler, Ltd., I am detected a bad smell in this part of Denmark.

  2. After some research, I understand that Synth_NYC has created a script in Touch OSC to produce this particular editor. Even though Touch OSC is well known, there should be credit given as to the ownership of Touch OSC. Also I wonder why an editor that is not available to the public is given a video when Synth_NYC's intent appears to be attracting sponsorship from investors. The video should have been sent to prospective investors rather than being posted in a public bulletin board. The public can really do nothing with this except gaze and move on.


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