MATRIXSYNTH: Behringer PRO-800 Bidirectional Editor for TouchOSC

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Behringer PRO-800 Bidirectional Editor for TouchOSC

Behringer PRO-800 TouchOSC Bidirectional Editor v2.0 from synth_nyc on Vimeo. Audio comes in at 1:30.

via synth_nyc

"The editor is augmented by LUA scripts.

Why TouchOSC?
- It’s OS agnostic (it works on MacOS, Windows, Linux, iOS and Android)
- Hexler has been around since 2007 and in my experience with TouchOSC, it has always been supporting the latest OS

If you have any questions or if Behringer or anyone is interested in licensing it, please contact me via my website:

How does the PRO-800 sound?
I’m grateful to have owned a SCI Prophet-5 Rev2, a Wine Country Sequential Prophet-5 Rev 3.3 and currently own a SCI Prophet-10 module; the PRO-800 sounds very vintage and close enough to its ancestors IMHO."

- Display parameter Name and Value
- Double click a slider or button to reset it to a default value
- MIDI data rate efficient: only sends a MIDI message if the parameter value is incremented or decremented by 1

- All Patch parameters implemented in the editor
- All Global Settings parameters implemented in the editor (except voice kill and external CV amount)
- Bank (change) + Program (change) selection buttons
- Volume and Master Tuning sliders
- Request Patch, Init Patch, Write Patch buttons

- Select a Bank & Program
- Press Request to load it to the editor
- Start editing
- Select a Bank & Program (optional)
- Press Write to save it to the synth

- Select a Bank & Program
- Press Init to save an init patch to the synth
- Start editing
- Select a Bank & Program (optional)
- Press Write to save it to the synth

- Q: Send System Settings and the PRO-800 goes to Patch A-00; why?
- B: Soft Thru is not consistently written to the synth
- B: CC 71 Vibrato Target is not affecting anything
- FR: SYSEX command to Auto Tune
- FR: SYSEX commands for Request Buffer, Write Buffer


AUDIO VIDEO DEMONSTRATION (starting at 01:30 in the video above):

- Listen to A53 factory patch
- Send A54 Program Change (PC)
- Listen to A54 factory patch "High Plucky"
- Request A54 factory patch to editor
- Edit A54 factory patch (in the PRO-800 buffer)
- Name this new patch "High Plucky 2"
- Send B54 PC
- Write edited patch "High Plucky 2" in B54
- Send B55 PC
- Write Init Patch to B55
- Listen to B55 Init Patch
- Request B55 to the editor (just to wipe the previous patch)
- Send B54 PC to reload (in the PRO-800) "High Plucky 2"
- Request B54 to the editor, to demonstrate that it's the exact same patch as edited a minute ago
- Listen to B54, to demonstrate that it's the exact same patch as edited / saved a minute ago.

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