MATRIXSYNTH: NAMM 2012: DSI Booth: Don Buchla, Roger Linn, Tom Oberheim & Dave Smith

Thursday, January 26, 2012

NAMM 2012: DSI Booth: Don Buchla, Roger Linn, Tom Oberheim & Dave Smith

NAMM 2012: DSI Booth Pics with Don Buchla, Roger Linn, Tom Oberheim and Dave Smith flickr set by MATRIXSYNTH

For those not familiar with the faces, from left to right:  Don Buchla, Tom Oberheim, and Dave Smith.

Yep... Pretty mind blowing experience seeing them all together like that in person. History of synthesis all there in one booth, with tequila shots on tow. :) I finally got to meet Tom Oberheim, maker of my first synth, the Oberheim Matrix-6, hence matrix. I wanted a 12, but couldn't afford one. The MATRIX-6 is an underrated and powerful synth with an extensive matrix modulation, two ramp generators and a tracking generator. It not only has a velocity sensitive keyboard, but it also has aftertouch and release velocity. Tom said it was the last synth he worked on before moving on from the company. He liked the synth but did not like the interface as it lacked even a simple data slider for real time control. Meeting Tom was my personal highlight of the show as I never met him before. I had met Dave Smith in NAMM 2010 along with Don Buchla. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to meet Roger Linn. He was engaged in conversation and I just couldn't interrupt before having to head out. Next year! :)

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