MATRIXSYNTH: NAMM 2012: Waldorf Music Booth Pics

Thursday, January 26, 2012

NAMM 2012: Waldorf Music Booth Pics

NAMM 2012: Waldorf Music Booth
flickr set by MATRIXSYNTH

Waldorf were primarily showing their Zarenbourg electric piano which was working this time. A Blofeld and the new Pulse 2 were present. The Pulse 2 wasn't plugged in but it felt like a real unit in weight and metal enclosure. Note the number of knobs in the main programming matrix section of the Pulse 2 is six while the Blofeld is four. You can see Stefan Stenzel showing the Zarenbourg to a gentleman who apparently was well known in the industry. If anyone can ID him let me know.


  1. Is it John Bowen playing the Zarenbourg?
    its a bit to much hair for Dave Smith or Roger Linn.

  2. Not John Bowen or the likely suspects. Not sure who he is.

  3. I just want to say THANK YOU for posting all of those lovely lovely hi-res NAMM pics, MS ;)

  4. You are welcome! Thanks for the thanks. Unfortunately some are a bit unfocused. I wanted to capture everything in natural light so that was the cost. I also wanted to focus more on a small glimpse of NAMM, so it's basically a documentation of my one day on the NAMM floor from start to finish in order. I'll need to update the summary post with a link to the booth list and see if I can find the floor maps so you can see where everything was.


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