MATRIXSYNTH: Music (and Animation) Made with Buttons - by Satellites

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Music (and Animation) Made with Buttons - by Satellites

YouTube Published on Jul 18, 2012 by kidwithoutradio

Update 7/31: In case you missed it, click the link below for the album. Embed below as well.



New song "The Answer" from the new album "Ghost". Release: 7/24/12


Each button = one frame in the animation & one sound. As a result, any movement on the screen is a result of each button pressed, and is not simply caused by sound. Each button has it's own unique still picture assigned to it. All together the frames took me over 80 hours to create/design, resulting in a little over 50 seconds of footage.

The new controllers:

-1 32 illuminated game button (UHID) controller custom built by me, controlling the sounds and frames simultaneously.

-1 iPad running Touch OSC, in custom housing used to switch banks of sounds and images.


Ableton Live (Music), Cell DNA (Animation), junXion (UHID Controller), OSCulator (iPad)


The album cover for the new "Ghost" record is featured in the animation. The 8 sided star has been used in various cultures throughout the world as a symbol of balance, harmony, and cosmic order. The original star design however has 16 sides, but multiples of 4 are used because of the 4 bar measure & 32 buttons on the controller. This makes it easy to achieve an animation that moves evenly.

Side Note:

Four days before shooting this I stuck a screwdriver through my finger working on an electrical connector. A piece of that connector was lodged in my finger. After my own attempts to cut it out with an Xacto knife, I went to the hospital. They told me that I had to wait 6 days to get the metal piece out. So I said fuck it, and shot this video with that half inch piece of metal in my hand. If you look closely you can see my left index finger isn't doing too much.

*In vein of The Music Made with Buttons Series by Egadz & Edison."

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