MATRIXSYNTH: 2012 Circuit Benders Ball Nashville on Kickstarter

Friday, September 14, 2012

2012 Circuit Benders Ball Nashville on Kickstarter

"The Circuit Benders’ Ball is a daylong symposium dedicated to the art of the bend, taking place on Saturday, September, 29th. It will feature two stages, over a dozen performers, an interactive art gallery, and workshops. Workshops 10am-7pm. Music 8pm-1am. Our inspirations are the multi-city Bent Festival, The Fuse Factory in Columbus, OH, the eSymposium in Chicago, Illinois, and, of course, Reed Ghazala, the father of circuit-bending!

We have invited circuit bent artists from Tennessee and beyond to perform and lead electronic workshops. The afternoon workshops are open to all ages and all levels of experience. In the evening, experimental musicians and sound artists will perform with circuit bent instruments, custom-made electronics, and/or battery-powered electronic devices. Genres will range from ambient soundscapes to aleatoric noise to EDM influenced grooves.

So: if you are into (or merely curious about) experimental music, making, electronics, art, DIY, hacking, and sonic mayhem, this event is for you!

The all-day event will take place on Saturday, September 29th, 2012 at Brick Factory Nashville, a hackerspace, community workshop, educational facility, art gallery, and performance space.


Roth Mobot - Chicago
Blight Side of Life - Nashville
Brain Lesion - Murfreesboro, TN
Elegant Bassterds (Ben Marcantel and Derek Schartung) - Nashville
Josh Gumiela, Kelli Shay Hix, Lucas McCallister - Nashville
Hadals - Nashville, TN / Montgomery, AL
Joey Molinaro - New York City
Nashville Robotic Philharmonic - DeKalb, IL
Pimpdaddysupreme - Nashville
Pineapple Explode - Nashville
Posttaste - Nashville
Teletron Orchestra - Nashville / Murfreesboro


Chip to be Square: Build Your Own Synth w/ Josh Gumiela. 10am - 1pm
Intro to Circuit Bending w/ Roth Mobot. 2pm-5pm
Build a Buckawatt Bent Boost Kit w/ Zach Adams. 5:30pm-7pm

We Can't Do This Without You!

The CBB is a nonprofit festival. The staff volunteer their time and energy with no monetary compensation. In order to attract the best and brightest in the Circuit Bending community from all over the United States, we need your financial support. All donations will go toward artist compensation, advertising, set decoration, and workshop materials. The more donations we generate, the bigger and better the festival! Show your support by donating!"

via Dylan Simon on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

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