MATRIXSYNTH: Korg Mono/Poly Converted into a Semi-Modular Synthesiser

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Korg Mono/Poly Converted into a Semi-Modular Synthesiser

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"heavily modified Korg Mono/Poly semi-modular monosynth with embedded ring modulator.

It has been transformed into a completely unique CV controlled semi-modular monophonic synthesiser with an angled panel reminiscent of the MS-20 series of synths.

Its veneer ends and the overall finish are a bit shabby but the synth works wonderfully and sounds warm and cosmic with the added versatility of the patch-bay.

It's filter is particularly noteworthy, going from warm but snappy to thick,resonant and squelchy with the ability to emphasise harmonics with great precision.

The standard Mono/poly has the following modules:
2xLFO ( one with triangle, sawtooth, ramp and square)
4xVCO (triangle, sawtooth, PWM, pulse) with switchable sync and xmod routing
noise generator
resonant, self oscilating VCF (low pass)
CV input
dual polarity trigger (gate) input
VCO FM input
VCF FM input

Here is a list of the added patch points:

Mod1 out: Pitchbend wheel section output
Mod2 out: Modulation Wheel section output
MG1(LFO1) out
MG2(LFO2) out
Noise out
VCO1 out
VCO2 out
VCO3 out
VCO4 out
Mod1 in: this CV added to the pitchbend section input
Mod2 in: this CV added to the modulation wheel section input
MG1(LFO1) FM in: not working
VCF EG out
PWM2 in: this CV modulates the "PW" wave form's pulse width (allows two separate PWM rates)
Ext in: this audio signal has replaced the noise signal that goes into the filter (noise can be repatched manually)
Ring modulator in1
Ring modulator in2
Ring modulator out

Example patch: ring modulate two separate synced VCO pairs with different PWM speeds against each other and feed it into the filter...nom nom nom!"

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