MATRIXSYNTH: Electronic Sound Artist Laetitia Sonami, a Documentary on Kickstarter

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Electronic Sound Artist Laetitia Sonami, a Documentary on Kickstarter

via Kickstarter where you'll find additional details and can help fund the project.

"the ear goes to the sound: the work of Laetitia Sonami is a film portrait of the French born, Oakland based electronic sound artist Laetitia Sonami. Sonami, a student of the pioneering sound composer Eliane Radigue, is perhaps best known for her Lady’s Glove instrument, which controls sounds and mechanical objects with gestures of the hand. I hope that this film will contribute to a more nuanced understanding of women working at the intersection of technology and art.

This documentary offers an intimate look at one of the most extraordinary, yet underappreciated electronic sound artists of today, and is structured around an intricate combination of performance and in-studio demonstration. The film features interviews with acclaimed composers John Bischoff, Maggi Payne, Eliane Radigue, and writer Melody Sumner Carnahan, and includes never-before-seen and rare performance footage from the early 1990’s to the present..."

Update: also see

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