Monday, October 28, 2013

Lou Reed RIP

Published on Oct 28, 2013 retrotechnical·46 videos

"Tribute to Lou Reed of The Velvet Underground who died 27th October 2013.
The song is Guess I'm Falling In Love (Instrumental) from the album Another View.
Garageband - 808 drums and multitracking
Arturia iMini - bassline
SynthX - atonal lead
Strat copy - rhythm guitar"

Huge thanks to retrotechnical for posting this. I wasn't sure if I was going to have the opportunity to post something on Lou Reed's passing. This site is synths only after all.

As most of you know, Lou Reed passed away yesterday at the age of 71. He wasn't a synth freak, but he was known to play the Haken Continuum. He was also referred to in various posts on the site.

Lou Reed was one of my favorite artists and his tracks specifically with The Velvet Underground marked some pivotal moments in my life. His music more than anyone else taught me to be open and tolerant of alternative lifestyles. I was into alternative music in the classic 80s sense, but the whole purpose which began as "Taking a Walk on the Wild Side" turned into so much more.  His music wasn't wild.  It wasn't about glorifying the alternative.  It was about the calm, peace and acceptance of what some might perceive as strange.  It was just life and he made living life better.  I will miss him and his music.

You'll find a great interview with Lou Reed by Neil Gaiman here.

Update:  Lou Reed was married to Laurie Anderson who of course is a big synth buff and has been featured here on MATRIXSYNTH numerous times.  Sincere condolences to her and his friends and family.

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